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Coming attempts at "Rapid-like" stories

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Sean D, shondoo

Nitro Member
Hello fellow 'Maters,

Our racing team dissolved at the end of the 2007 Nostalgia Pro Comp Association (NPCA) season. There were a number of factors behind the decision, none of which are important to this thread, but to say the least, it was a pretty humbling and bumming experience. However, about a month ago we had a meeting of the minds which has now resulted in a three-way partnership between myself, engine builder/tuner Kerry Grams and original car owner Bill Coonce. It feels great to know we're not going to be relegated to spectating this year.

Our 150" altered, dubbed "Black Reign", will again compete in the NPCA's Pro Comp 1 Eliminator, which runs on a Pro Tree and a 7.00 index. In an effort to better serve the great sponsors that have come on board to help us get back on track and beyond, as well as the NPCA, I'm going to make an attempt at submitting team race reports here on the 'Mater. I openly admit that the idea came directly from our very own "Rapid" Randy Baker, who does a heck of a job at reliving his experiences for our reading pleasure. Kerry and I finally got the chance to meet him at the Goodguys Indy race last year, and it was an absolute pleasure. He's a very pleasant and approachable guy, and in the words of the infamous Bob Frey, "can flat-out drive a race car". I'm sure my stories will pale in comparison to Rapid's, but nonetheless, I'm going to give it my best shot. They will start in mid-May after we go to Joliet for Rick Krafft's Match Race Mania. I hope you enjoy them.

I also want to take a quick opportunity to thank Don Rogers and his Family Practice Dentistry in Kokomo, IN, as well as Dishon Transmission Service in Logansport, IN, Grams Racing Engines in Kokomo, IN, The Gettin' Place in Royal Center, IN, Kendall Motor Oil and VP Racing Fuels. Collectively, they play a huge role in our ability to continue what we've been doing together.

Sean D

I am looking forward to reading them. You guys have a good team and I am glad it all came back together. :cool: Thanks for the kind words, I appreciate it. :o

I am assuming you will be racing against me at the World Fuel Altered Nationals at Eddyville, Iowa this year?

We will have two "What I did this weekend reports?" that could be a lot to read. AND VERY COOL. Can't wait.
Best of luck, Sean. I am planning on making the race in Joliet in May. I will stop by and see you guys.
Thank both of you, Rapid and Eric, for the support! It's been a very chaotic month trying to get everything lined up, but things are looking promising.

Yes, Rapid, we're planning on being in Eddyville. We don't yet have the parts and pieces to compete at your level, but barring any catastrophies, we're going to go and do our best. It will be a pleasure to just finally see the program as spectators, let alone participants. We simply can't run as quick as many of you guys, but we're gonna' go down swingin'! LOL!!!

Eric, I hope you are able to make it to Joliet, and please stop by and say "hey".


Sean D

NitroMater will be initiating $300/year membership fees to offset the cost of new servers and increased bandwidth in order to accomodate the upcoming season and the ensuing race reports from the writing team of Sean DeWitt and "Rapid" Randy Baker. Members on dial-up may be out of luck!

This has been a public service announcement!!

haha... lol just giving you boys some trouble... poor DeWitt... Rapid has corrupted another young mind! :eek:
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Yes, he has! LMAO!!!

Sean D

cool cool man... yeah randy has that effect on everyone! no matter who you are he can get ya smack and race-trash talkin in no time at all! heck i think he could even get my lil 80y/o grandma smack talkin!

all in good fun of course... hell we staged a staging duel at eddyville a few years back-what a hoot! lots of fun and the fans loved it! (i think i won that one? hard to remember i beat him sooo many times ;))

well we're planning on having the nitromadness car at the may joliet race and the WFAN at eddyville... come by and pet the guard dog (he's more popular than me... and WAY more popular than that 'rapid' fella... lol)

so there's the invitation... sean, eric, and yes you too rapid!! i expect to see you all to drop in and say hey :D

More popular,,,and better looking too,,,the dog has it all over you buddy! :p You better hope he doesn't learn to drive! :D

Mr. DeWitt, we will have to teach Mr. Belt to type. Then we can find out how his weekends go as well. :rolleyes: ;)

It looks to be a fun summer for us Nostalgia guys!

I just noticed that my son has a soccer game on May 17th. Does anyone have a schedule or know how long that will run? I sort of have to be at the game, being the coach and all... Thanks.
So, we are going to have dueling weekend reports? Who will have the better r/t?
More popular,,,and better looking too,,,the dog has it all over you buddy! You better hope he doesn't learn to drive!

Mr. DeWitt, we will have to teach Mr. Belt to type. Then we can find out how his weekends go as well.

It looks to be a fun summer for us Nostalgia guys!


all this talk about learning has me scared!! i'm having detention flashbacks!!

speaking of learning... i taught Brooks a new trick but i'll need your help Rapid. i'm gonna need you to place this juicy pork chop in the pocket of your fire suit... trust me on this one. he's really good at this trick! :p

it's gonna be a really fun summer for sure!

btw how could you not love this face???


So, we are going to have dueling weekend reports? Who will have the better r/t?

it will be a draw... while i'm struggling to hunt and peck on my keyboard rapid will be waiting on his publishing team, pr folks, and management team to proof-read, approve and publish his book... i mean report
ok... i know i'm being a post-whore here but my driving career may be in jeopardy cause Brooks is too smart for my own good.

i went digging for parts in my dad's attic and noticed it was kinda quiet down stairs... this is why!

can't really question his loyalty

Man, you guys are crazy! LMAO!!!

Eric, I won't be doing anything close to attempting to "duel" with Master Rapid. His race reports are pretty stellar, so I'll be more than happy typing in his shadow! LMAO!!!

As for busting on Mr. Belt's typing, I think I'll pass on that one, Rapid! He's going to be making me look bad enough in Joliet and Eddyville as it is, so I'm sure as hell not going to give him any more reason to light me up!

Can't wait to see all you guys next month in Joliet. It's always good to put faces with names. I'll be sure to bring some Milkbones for the guard dog, Sean B!!!

Sean D
Great Photos of the "New Driver",,,opps I mean your dog. ;)

Sean D, if you start having trouble with beating Sean B,,,,PM me. I will tell you how I "ALWAYS" did it. LMAO!! :D :p :D

Rapid {Typed and Posted by Rapid's PR team}
Great Photos of the "New Driver",,,opps I mean your dog.

Sean D, if you start having trouble with beating Sean B,,,,PM me. I will tell you how I "ALWAYS" did it. LMAO!!

Rapid {Typed and Posted by Rapid's PR team}

DeWitt... i'm gonna try to be tactful here cause i know i'm typing in the land of the great 'rapid' one but BE CAREFUL if rapid tries to give you any pointers! cause i think might be a little cloudy on the past and he may be feeding you one of his little stories about how he "ALWAYS" beat me...


seems like the few times he beat me to the finish line he was in MY lane and i had to lift so i didn't bend up his wheelie bar :rolleyes:

and rapid... use your darn turn signals next time!! lol!!
DeWitt... i'm gonna try to be tactful here cause i know i'm typing in the land of the great 'rapid' one but BE CAREFUL if rapid tries to give you any pointers! cause i think might be a little cloudy on the past and he may be feeding you one of his little stories about how he "ALWAYS" beat me...


seems like the few times he beat me to the finish line he was in MY lane and i had to lift so i didn't bend up his wheelie bar :rolleyes:

and rapid... use your darn turn signals next time!! lol!!

I'll try to keep that in mind! LMAO!!!

By the way, I love the guage!!! ;)

Sean D
ha ha... yeah the gauge made me lol so i had to throw it in. if autometer starts making those i best be gettin a kick back $$!!

can't wait to get out to a few events and see everybody this year. with business and other obligations i didn't get out much last season and didn't realize how bad i really did miss until we took the nitro madness car to denton. man it's sooo good to be back out there!!

and i'm definitely looking forward to meet up with all you guys and put names with faces so be sure to swing by and say hey! (you too rapid!)
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