I think it takes a huge ego just to get into one of these cars and hold the pedal down and I also think it helps your overall chances of success.
So I don't begrudge Cruz for having this characteristic, its a common one for anyone who has won a championship in any sport.
I do not agree with you at all. There are champions in this sport as well as drivers who have never won anything who don't have a huge ego. Look at John Force, what ego? Don Schumacher, what ego? They have both won as drivers and owners and they are genius businessmen and they don't snob personnel or fans. Tony Schumacher has the right ego, he knows he's good, he knows his team is bulit on high expectations, yet everyone on that team is as humble as can be. I think Cruz's problem is simple. He won a title in his rookie year and it completely ruined his tolerance for not winning it every year. Yes it's good and healthy to try and strive for perfection but accept the best that you can do. Someone has to tell Cruz it's not healthy to think you deserve to win and that you are the best. I never really liked Cruz that much cause he just acts like he's better than everyone and his team deserves to win. You can hate to lose, but it's wrong to hate to lose because you think your better than everyone else.
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