Nitro Member
Typical of here going on a tangent with an unrelated topic.What happened to the Ashley Sanford thread? lol....
Typical of here going on a tangent with an unrelated topic.What happened to the Ashley Sanford thread? lol....
What happened to the Ashley Sanford thread? lol....
I love these old stories...
Chris Cook, I'm calling bullshit on the before you were born part...![]()
hahaha ... just BARELY before I was born ... 1974.
We need to have lunch some time...
In 1972-1973 I worked at Bob and Dave's Texaco at Mulberry and La Mirada Blvd just down the street from Colima and Lambert where your brother's station was. It's also a strip center now.
We used to find our races while cruising Whittier Blvd between Colima and Washington Blvd from 1974 to 1976. We'd head for Lambert or the Box Factory in Santa Fe Springs to race. I had a dark blue 1960 Corvette with a white vinyl top and it kicked a lot of butts back then.
I knew John Moreland from the parts dept at Board Ford and actually had him screw up a couple Holley Carbs for me, but I was friends with his brother Mark who was a heavy line mechanic at Board Ford (now a vacant lot). Mark had a 1970 Chevelle big block with a 400 turbo that was a real sleeper. As it sat it ran 12.20's.
10:00 one night (probably 1975) Mark Moreland told me to park my Corvette at Bob's Big Boy and take a ride with him. Off we went to the Box Factory where he stopped his Chevelle. He said "I'm going to show you something but you can't tell ANYONE! I felt like saying I wasn't that kind of guy! He started the car, got up to about 10 miles an hour, nailed the gas and off we went. NICE! Then he makes a u-turn, slows to 10 miles per hour, hits the gas again and reaches under the dash and flips a switch. The car blew the tires off, went completely sideways, straightened out and took off like a bat out of h#ll. I about crapped my pants. He pulls over and says two words I never heard of before except at the dentist...Nitrous Oxide. WOW! He made a lot of money suckering people in with that car. LOL
Jay Steel was a sponsor of my first TA/FC, and back in the early 1970's when he was on Greenleaf behind Dave Schenk Dodge I had him rebushing rods for me. I spoke to Barbara Taylor at the WACC car show about a year ago and she's doing fine. Chris bought her out (Taylor Engine Rebuilding/Taylor and Ryan's) and shortly after that the whole thing went out of business. Shame.
That lawnmower shop...was that Ralph's Garden Equipment? If so, it was owned by Ralph Kato. I went to school with Ron Kato who was Ralph's son (he was two years behind me) and I would see him at Pomona from time to time when I was still racing my TA/FC. In fact I saw him at the finals a few weeks ago. When I was in jr high I went there to see about getting a Briggs and Stratton engine for a mini bike I wanted to build. JC Agagjanian's grandson lived across the street from me so I ended up with a King-o-Lawn mini bike. Just as good as a Taco 44 mini bike.
If you cruised Whittier Blvd a lot you probably remember "Stick City". I think it was at the corner of Ocean View or Calmada and Whittier Blvd on the southeast corner across from Jim Child's Buick. Norm (Rabbit) worked there. When Stick City closed he open "Street Rods" in La Habra on Whittier Blvd near Beach, and it closed many years ago. Now he owns "High Line" which is behind Lombardo's Jacksons-Napa in Brea. I see him from time to time and have seen him at the Barrett Jackson, Mecum and Russo and Steele auctions on TV. I had my 1957 Corvette at the Newport Beach Russo and Steele auction last year with a reserve price on it. Norm asked me what the reserve was so I told him. The bidding went up to the reserve but didn't meet it so I didn't sell. Later Norm told me "I tried to help you out!" I told him to be careful bidding because I almost lifted the reserve and he would have owned my car! He's a great guy. I think he was the first person to tell me to not deal with that crook, Larry Buchanan. Now there's a name for you.
Thank Heaven... I was out of the States from mid '73 until late '77...