Another Nitro Team Parks (1 Viewer)

Man... I'm getting really sick of reading these. :mad:

I thought everything was ok with these guys, guess not.
When is this going to end?! Every day it becomes more and more depressing. I wish everyone on the team well during this time of uncertainty.
This suck and has to be scary for the Johnson household... Best of Luck to Tommy and Melanie.
well crap.. that sucks for all involved .. best wishes to the entire team.

and I now get to tell my daughter that another one of her favorite racers is without a ride.

Hillary, Angelle and Melanie are three of her absolute favorites.
Gosh this is getting crazy. Has drag racing ever been through an economic crunch and had competitors pulling out like this before? I don't remember what it was like in the gas shortages.
While you're sending out cards this year, don't forget to call or write your politicians and tell them thanks for ALLOWING our economy to go in the tank. It was their job to watch over the economy and to prevent this from happening. I think this is just the beginning of teams dropping out of racing. At least for a while until the economy rebounds.

BTW, Congress is due to get a 2.8% raise. :mad:
Last year I kept hearing how Roger Burgess was looking at expanding with 2 FC's in '09? I guess the Phamacy biz is hurting as well! I'm wondering if Roger was planning this while NHRA decided use his song?
well crap.. that sucks for all involved .. best wishes to the entire team.

and I now get to tell my daughter that another one of her favorite racers is without a ride.

Hillary, Angelle and Melanie are three of her absolute favorites.

I hear ya, my daughter has added to her nightly prayers that drivers get sponsors, seeing her favorites on the sidelines is a huge blow
Un real! Tis the season eh? I am very sad for these guys, but what a sh?tty time to say 'ok here is your last check'. Heck even the nhl has a 'no trade or release policy' a week prior to christmas. As i understand the need to inform people soon in order for them to secure jobs, a few days before christmas? Poor form Mr. B. They must have known that the sponsor hunt was looking gloom last month.

I believe the Grinch has a new address.

This sucks, no way to sugar coat it.
Amen Timmah!!! I soooo want to jump in this thread with both feet, but I must restrain myself for professional reasons,....suffice to say, what comes around , goes around....ok I'm back quiet
This really sucks. Bigtime.

I know exactly how the crew feels, because I've just learned myself my last day will be the 30th......:(
Amen Timmah!!! I soooo want to jump in this thread with both feet, but I must restrain myself for professional reasons,....suffice to say, what comes around , goes around....ok I'm back quiet
come on in....the water is just fine! I hear what your saying Tom. But there is a way to be tactful. You need to come up with an 'evil twin' that can post for you. - Tim has spoken....

Timmah...your thoughts?

But it still sucks! I would say that with melanie's talent, marketability, and charisma, she wont be without a ride very long. But, it is very obvious that corp america is cutting the 'obscure sporting events' first. Does the Bass Masters still have sponsors? How about the PBR, (and im not talking about the beer ). I am sure the professional pot smokers, uh snowboarders tour is fully funded. Its time to admit something folks. To corp USA our sport is a joke. I think it may be time for some serious soul searching in Glendora.

Damn, this really has me Pissed.
In Melanie's latest NHRA blog she states Burgess' commitment to keep the team out there next year. I guess you can't go on anyone's word anymore, and I don't mean Mel's.:mad:

I think you will see more of this, as there is no ROI or even close to one for a single car, non-sponsored team. You can blame the Gov't for the economy, but you can also throw a LOT of blame on NHRA and their stringent sponsorship rules and lack of leadership. While everyone in Glendora pads their ivory coated wallets with higher than ever bonuses, they will soon have it effect their livelyhood....unfortunately, when they scramble to fix it in a year, it will be too little too late.

Good luck to the entire R2B2 Motorsports team in the future. You have our moral support!
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