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Al Gore's Global Warming

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The Republicans need to stop grandstanding and figure out a way to help implement alternative means of energy.

Thanks for making the point more clear on this Drew that democrats, for some unforseen reason, oftentimes seem to think it's somehow, the Republican's responsibility to solve the major problems confronting mankind.

By the way, this entire thread is about a Democrat grandstanding? Go figure?
the sensationalistic theme of the movie and the ridiculous parade
on the oscar's tv show is enough to discredit this movie for me.
if the movie was based soley on hard scientific facts, i don't think
the 'in your face' marketing of this movie would have been necessary.

regarding previous comments on republicans needing to find alternative
energy sources.........
if anyone happened to catch 60 minutes last sunday, there was a
story on france and their nuclear program. very interesting. the story
discussed the expantion of nuclear power worldwide, not only in the usa,
but especially china, our planets leading air polluter.
this is not a partisan issue; i bet within the next 5 - 10 years, we see
new nuclear plant construction in this country, the first since the 70's.

and to comment on distaste for $3 gas.
i believe it's republicans who are shot down repeatedly for attempting
further oil exploration in some of the most remote locations in our 50 states.
Sadly nothing will ever be done one way or the other. With out current political climate it seems that nothing is moving regardless of what it is. The country is pretty much split. We have the best government in the world but some parts could use an overhaul to get things done quickly.
Sadly nothing will ever be done one way or the other. With out current political climate it seems that nothing is moving regardless of what it is. The country is pretty much split. We have the best government in the world but some parts could use an overhaul to get things done quickly.
I say we should start with the IRS!

Welcome to the Mater, Rick!
Rick I hope your right that nothing is done because what I'm affraid of is not global warming but the policys that will result from it. If we do nothing about global warming it won't effect the weather one way or another. If we do what the libs suggest you can say bye-bye to the middle class and for what? The temp to rise .5 degrees in 100 years? Big deal. Theres no such thing as a perfect temp it will always go down or up if you stretch the numbers out enough.
You guys are so predictable w/ your answers......a bunch of followers...hook, line, and sunk!!!!

"Followers" is a term I'm be more inclined to apply to those who lap up whatever the media spoonfeeds them without questioning, when approximately 85-90% of them vote Democrat. I know you don't fall into this category, right? :)
Well I read the article. He is a meteorologist. MIT or not, that just makes him "Dr. Weather man". This guy hasn't done any of his own research. The article was a bunch of "what if's, and maybe it would be better if it was warmer", (WTF is that?). NOT very scientific. I try not to let politics cloud my opinion on this topic. IF global warming IS being accelerated from "greenhouse gasses" it will take the USA a long time to get corrective measures in place. How many more years before a country like China commits to the same program? I'm with Drew.

Like Joe mentions above, there was a time when the same "doom and gloom" media was reporting on "global cooling."

Global cooling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"This theory never had significant scientific support[citation needed], but gained temporary popular attention due to press reporting following a better understanding of ice age cycles and a temporary downward trend of temperatures from the 1940s to the early 1970s."

The earth does more in one fart than we'll ever do to it.

Mount Pinatubo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The powerful eruption of such an enormous volume of lava and ash injected significant quantities of aerosols and dust into the stratosphere. Sulfur dioxide oxidised in the atmosphere to produce a haze of sulfuric acid droplets, which gradually spread throughout the stratosphere over the year following the eruption. The injection of aerosols into the stratosphere is thought to have been the largest since the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883, with a total mass of SO2 of about 17 million tons being injected—the largest volume ever recorded by modern instruments (see chart and figure).

This very large stratospheric injection resulted in a reduction in the normal amount of sunlight reaching the earth's surface by up to 5% (see figure). This led to a decrease in northern hemisphere average temperatures of 0.5–0.6 °C (0.9–1.1 °F), and a global fall of about 0.4 °C (0.7 °F). At the same time, the temperature in the stratosphere rose to several degrees higher than normal, due to absorption of radiation by the aerosols. The stratospheric cloud from the eruption persisted in the atmosphere for three years after the eruption.

The eruption had a significant effect on ozone levels in the atmosphere, causing a large increase in the destruction rate of ozone. Ozone levels at mid-latitudes reached their lowest recorded levels, while in the southern hemisphere winter of 1992, the ozone hole over Antarctica reached its largest ever size until then, with the fastest recorded ozone depletion rates. The eruption of Mount Hudson in Chile in August 1991 also contributed to southern hemisphere ozone destruction, with measurements showing a sharp decrease in ozone levels at the tropopause when the aerosol clouds from Pinatubo and Hudson arrived.

Another noticeable effect of the dust in the atmosphere was the appearance of lunar eclipses. Normally even at mid-eclipse, the moon is still visible although much dimmed, but in the year following the Pinatubo eruption, the moon was hardly visible at all during eclipses, due to much greater absorption of sunlight by dust in the atmosphere."
They were wrong in the 70's when these same bureaucrats were predicting an Ice age! It's all about attacking Capitolism pure and simple. Like Ronald Reagan said "Freedom is never more than a generation away from being lost"
I don't know Joe I hear our polution of greenhouse gasses is what staved off a little Ice age.
After all the warming has gone on since the 1100's so we are overdue.
Those polluting Rovers on Mars are causing it's ice cap to melt at a faster rate too.
I don't think its our polution from here doing it.
That would be a little far fetched.
Here is the real reason for global warming
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Northwest Edition

Daylight exacerbates warning
You may have noticed that March of this year was particularly hot. As a matter of fact, I understand that it was the hottest March since the beginning of the last century. All of the trees were fully leafed out and legions of bugs and snakes were crawling around during a time in Arkansas when, on a normal year, we might see a snowflake or two. This should come as no surprise to any reasonable person. As you know, Daylight Saving Time started almost a month early this year. You would think that members of Congress would have considered the warming effect that an extra hour of daylight would have on our climate. Or did they ? Perhaps this is another plot by a liberal Congress to make us believe that global warming is a real threat. Perhaps next time there should be serious studies performed before Congress passes laws with such far-reaching effects.
Typical liberal BULL SH!T...Gee.... let's fix all these problems as long as I don't have to do anything.

When Alec Baldwin leaves the country I hope Gore is in his suitcase and Sheryl Crow is in his hang up bag....

Oh, and while they are at it, someone put Jane Fonda in a puppy sized pet crate and stuff her in the cargo hold of a Greyhound bus that is packed on a shipping container headed for Vietnam.
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Here is the real reason for global warming
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Northwest Edition

Daylight exacerbates warning
You may have noticed that March of this year was particularly hot. As a matter of fact, I understand that it was the hottest March since the beginning of the last century. All of the trees were fully leafed out and legions of bugs and snakes were crawling around during a time in Arkansas when, on a normal year, we might see a snowflake or two. This should come as no surprise to any reasonable person. As you know, Daylight Saving Time started almost a month early this year. You would think that members of Congress would have considered the warming effect that an extra hour of daylight would have on our climate. Or did they ? Perhaps this is another plot by a liberal Congress to make us believe that global warming is a real threat. Perhaps next time there should be serious studies performed before Congress passes laws with such far-reaching effects.

And if we all go on the night shift we can cool things off in a couple years! :D
Well . . . a couple of issues. First of all, it's obvious that Global Warming is in full effect in Arizona! High temperatures are 20 degrees less than normal, and it's so cold at night that our Bermuda grass is still dormant.
Second - utilities in Texas are considering building nuclear (:eek:) power plants because of the high cost of oil and stringent regulations on oil or natural gas fired facilities.
It has been reported that (I believe) General Electric has developed technology that could allow a new generation of nuclear plants to use the huge amount of what was considered "depleted" uranium fuel rods to generate energy much more efficently than existing nuclear facliities.
This could disarm liberals' concerns that depleted fuel buried miles underground in the middle of nowhere in Nevada could cause a problem in a few thousand years - :rolleyes:
Unfortunately, if the public continues to listen to liberals screaming about what was really a minor event at Three Mile Island, we may never see what could be a revolution in power generation.
Your absolutely right Jim. They don't want no nukes, no gas, no hydro electric, now they're bitching about methanol and toilet paper. I guess they want to go back to the caves and let us all freeze ourselves to death, not work, not breath. The turth is they want us all in a zombee state or worse.
Here is the real reason for global warming
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Northwest Edition

Daylight exacerbates warning
As you know, Daylight Saving Time started almost a month early this year. You would think that members of Congress would have considered the warming effect that an extra hour of daylight would have on our climate. Or did they ? Perhaps this is another plot by a liberal Congress to make us believe that global warming is a real threat. Perhaps next time there should be serious studies performed before Congress passes laws with such far-reaching effects.

An extra hour of daylight?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! That would be funny if it wasn't so sad, that someone actually thinks Congress is generating more daylight.....
Starting next month here in Texas, I would say global warming is a real thing. It is friggin hot down here people!!! I am not looking forward to my $450.00 per month electric bill that I will be hammered with from May till November.
Starting next month here in Texas, I would say global warming is a real thing. It is friggin hot down here people!!! I am not looking forward to my $450.00 per month electric bill that I will be hammered with from May till November.

Suzie I don't know how old you are, but do you remember the Summer of 1980? Dallas had like 45-50 straight days over 100! Several Senior citizens in Resting homes died because of A/C failures! It's ALWAYS hot in the summer in Texas, my sisters and Brother in Houston bitch about it all the time.:eek:
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