AJ + FORCE ? (1 Viewer)

. . . My wish is that her first win comes at Gainseville. :)

That'd be OK. But I'd rather her third win comes at Gainesville 2016! I realize that's extremely unlikely but it sure would get a LOT of attention for NHRA!!
It'll depend on how AJ handles splitting time between Force, Torrence, and his parts customers. I'm sure Alan will handle everything in fine order, I just think there will need to be a proper adjustment period of balancing everything. I hope Brittany is working on cutting those lights, not because her's are bad or anything, but the competition, Antron, Langdon, Tony, ect.. will be upping their game as well.
AJ is just consulting with Torrence, while AJ will be (more or less) running Forces TF car like it was his own car.
Sooo . . . AJ is "Just Consulting" with Torrence. Does that also include all teams other than DSR and BME? Because I'm not sure who Kalitta, MLR and BVR are using if it's not AJPE. Multiple opportunities for a team that has spent a ton of money with AJPE to ask him for advice when running against JFR. Please feel free to insert beating dead horse graphic here if you wish - :D
I agree, the best thing Papa John can do is keep his mouth shut and stay away from the Top Fuel program. AJ got this.
The way I see it is the Force DSR rivalry just morphed into the A J , Force combined Rivalry with DSR .
A bit more formidable .
AJ tuning Brittney's Monster car is a good thing, and we can be fairly certain she will find herself on the winner's platform before season's end.

But lets not forget, as incredibly talented as AJ is, he did struggle last season. Some would say it was funding, and I wouldn't disagree, but as has been discussed ad nauseum, he does build a lot of his own stuff. Still, with secure financing and the ability to push the envelope again, I suspect he will teach Brittney everything she needs to win in Top Fuel.

It remains to be seen if she has what it takes to compete with the DSR Top Fuel juggernaut on a consistent basis though... and we know she won't get replaced. I'm not suggesting she's not a quality driver, I'm merely stating that Tony & Antron have demonstrated they are at their best when the pressure is at it's peak. She may be able to do that too, we just don't know. Still, she has her daddy's blood runnin' through her veins, so it is possible.
I agree, the best thing Papa John can do is keep his mouth shut and stay away from the Top Fuel program. AJ got this.

I agree 100% Lee, and I also have very little faith in Force being able to do either of those items, and that's the reason I believe this program has begun with the seeds of it's own destruction already in place. Sorry if I upset the Force fans, but I just don't see this working out, unless the deal was, "Stick around until Brittany gets a win, and then you can do whatever you want." Yeah, I know I'm not a big Force fan, and I admit it, but that situation aside, I just don't see this deal working out.
AJ has a two and sometimes three car team to work with again. nite and day different scenario than last year at this time.
AJ has a two and sometimes three car team to work with again. nite and day different scenario than last year at this time.
I don't disagree with you at all, sir, but he was a one car show for most if not all of the time he was dominating TF with Scelzi, and then again with Schumacher. Not sure he needs more than one car to rise to the top as long as he has funding.
Both AJ and Force have been around the block umpteen times at this point. They both know what they are getting in this deal. It will be like any other tuner/owner relationship. If the car runs well, everyone will be happy. If the car runs below expectations, then the owner will make a change when he feels it is appropriate. I don't think it is reasonable to expect Force to "be quiet" or "keep his nose out of it" when he is the one scratching out a big check. I also think Force is smart enough to give AJ and Husen a reasonable amount of time to get that car running like they want it to. One big advantage of the Countdown format is that it is not very important to hit the ground running, they have plenty of time to sort out their setup before the points reshuffle for the "playoffs".

I expect AJ to get at least 1 full season no matter what, because Force is scrapping his whole setup on the dragster and running a brand new setup. Let's say Force got a wild hair and fired AJ on the Western Swing, what do they do then? Go back to last year's setup of in-house stuff? Keep running AJs stuff? Who are they gonna hire then to run the dragster with as much upside as AJ and Husen?

AJ has had success with every dragster he has run ... I don't expect this to be any different.
Force gets a wild hair and fires someone? That's not going to happen! Where's that Coil guy? Oh yeah, he got tired of being treated badly (diplomacy here) and quit. After that, Prock and Medlin. Things have not gone so well since then. I am baffled why AJ agreed to this . . .
What this verifies to me is Monster Energy wants results (Wins)!
I'm sure John doesn't want to loose their sponsorship dollars!
I'm sure Alan is not cheap for his services.
Brittney can drive should be a potent combination!
What this verifies to me is Monster Energy wants results (Wins)!
I'm sure John doesn't want to loose their sponsorship dollars!
I'm sure Alan is not cheap for his services.
Brittney can drive should be a potent combination!
THIS !!!!!

Sponsor demands results, Force says ... "I understand, but I need a little more $$ to bring aboard a proven genius and I guarantee this car is in the winner's circle"
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