9/11 Six Years Later (2 Viewers)


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The event still seems like it happened yesterday. My thoughts and prayers go out to those impacted on that tragic day. I will still never forget sitting in line to go through the Holland Tunnel and seeing the smoke pouring from the towers:(.
I remember the whole thing as being so surreal, you don't want to believe it was happening as you were watching it. :(
God Bless America!

As for the f*ckers that did this to us...........I hope the virgins weighed 700 lbs. and they sucked!!!
Whatever happened to the search for 'Bin Laden'??
For the person who is supposedly responsible for the 9/11 murders why isn't he on the news nightly w/ updates on the search?
His actions have taken a back seat to more important news like 'Britany Spears' or 'Monday Night Football'...or a gay Senator...
This man, Bin Laden, should be on the front page/headline news, WANTED FOR MURDER, everyday of every minute....
The hunt for him should be America's #1 priority IMO...
Whatever happened to the search for 'Bin Laden'??
For the person who is supposedly responsible for the 9/11 murders why isn't he on the news nightly w/ updates on the search?
His actions have taken a back seat to more important news like 'Britany Spears' or 'Monday Night Football'...or a gay Senator...
This man, Bin Laden, should be on the front page/headline news, WANTED FOR MURDER, everyday of every minute....
The hunt for him should be America's #1 priority IMO...

Well said Terry. Sometimes I think they come up with stuff to try and make us forget about Bin Laden. But I will never forget 9/11 and what he did to us on that dreadful day.
Neal Boortz had this to say on his website...


Today is the anniversary of the attacks by Islamic radicals on New York City and Washington DC. You probably won't be shocked to learn that instead of using a day like this to remind Americans of the threat we still face, there are actually government schools in Utah that have decided to pretty much ignore the anniversary because they don't want to, as they say, "dwell on violence." For more on these wonderful government schools, check out our reading assignments.

With every day that passes these Islamic murderers remind us of how much they want to kill more Americans ... many more Americans. Just last week Osama bin Laden reminded us of the Quran's instructions to faithful Muslims that when they encounter a "non-believer" it is their duty to either enslave him, convert him or kill him. Bin Laden's warning that Americans should convert to Islam created little stir. Perhaps we should pay attention to the alternatives.

Islamic fascists are dedicated to the destruction of Western culture. It has nothing to do with our wealth and their poverty, and everything to do with their view of the mandates they believe have been set before them by their "prophet." These Islamic murderers have far more patience in the pursuit of their goals than the American people have in the defense of our culture.

The Islamic fascists have every reason to believe that they're on a roll. Even on the anniversary of their attacks they see the party in control of our legislative branch of government working to affect a complete surrender in Iraq. They have witnessed the Democrat Party's disgusting attempts to smear and destroy the reputation of the commander of our forces in Iraq, a commander many Arabs respect for his abilities and dedication to victory. The very election of these peace-at-any-price Democrats to power was as clear a signal as can be imagined that the American people just simply don't want to fight any more. We're now ready to sit back and see what the Islamofascist world has in store for us next.

Day after day we read another story about extraordinary steps that are being taken to avoid offending Muslims. Instead of standing up to that segment of the Islamic world that prays for our destruction, we show our weakness by pandering to their hypersensitivity to anything their culture might find the least bit offensive. They parade with signs calling for the death of all non-believers and we ignore them. We print a cartoon showing their "prophet" and they riot.

We can't even get newspapers and broadcast news outlets to identify these terrorist killers as Islamic any more.

Just know this: As we wallow in our insipid politically correct stupor of sensitivity toward the Muslim world, much of that world is plotting our extinction.

We're going to wake up. The question is just how rude the wake up call is going to be.
Bin Laden is hiding out with the "real killers" of Nicole Brown-Simpson & Ron Goldman.
Thats a nice joke, but not very funny. Especially on the anniversary on the worst attack on American soil, EVER. 2947 dead is not very humorous to me.

The search for Bin Laden is not very spirited, especially 6 years later.
We spent too much time, money and soldiers lives chasing the illusion of Hussein having WMD, which did not pan out.

We are now in the middle of (some say fueled) a civil war in Iraq ,who had, essentially, very little to do with the attacks on 9/11,

Before everyone starts saying that Hussein had something to do with it, go do some research,

Bin Laden admitted and gloated and still continues to gloat, about it, and we went after someone else. That much we do know.

Not only did we go into Iraq, we pulled troops out of Afghanistan to fight in Iraq. The removal of Hussein was always been more important to the current administration than Bin Laden.

What will it take to kick our current administration in the ass to go get this guy? THAT war, I would support.

I, for one am not holding out for any promise that our current President even cares about catching Bin Laden after stating:

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02


"I am truly not that concerned about him."
- G.W. Bush, responding to a question about bin Laden's whereabouts,
3/13/02 (The New American, 4/8/02)

Why does the current administration wish to tell us, "It could happen again", when our commander in chief is "not that concerned" with him?
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My brother is a pilot in the U.S. Air Force and......

Never mind, nothing I say will make a difference to those who appose this war.

Just think about if you would rather be fighting them there or here.

As far as 9/11.....
I will never forget! And the last time I checked, I was the only person who's thoughts, feelings and actions I had any control over.
I was on my way to work today, thinking about all the usual trivial things, cursing the traffic, when I saw a man on an overpass with a sign that read "STOP - REMEMBER 9-11". I turned off my radio and all I could think about was how glad I was that he was up there with that sign.
I was on my way to work today, thinking about all the usual trivial things, cursing the traffic, when I saw a man on an overpass with a sign that read "STOP - REMEMBER 9-11". I turned off my radio and all I could think about was how glad I was that he was up there with that sign.

My boyfriend (an Airman) changed our sign over our business to say "Remember why we fight 9/11"

He's heading overseas next year, and now more than ever, I appreciate people who support our troops (an my Airman ;-) )and their purpose.
Has anyone seen the Nick Cage flick, "World Trade Center"? I caught it on Showtime last night... excellent story and very moving. Also, if you haven't seen United 93, please take the time to do so.
I did see World Trade Center. I loved it! For the first part of the movie......I had thought I made a mistake. The actual footage they used got to me more than I thought it would. But, I'm glad I stayed and watched it. What I liked the most is that it was a good, positive, happy story that came out of this horrific tragedy. THAT'S what they focused on.......the rescue of these men!
Thats a nice joke, but not very funny. Especially on the anniversary on the worst attack on American soil, EVER. 2947 dead is not very humorous to me.

The search for Bin Laden is not very spirited, especially 6 years later.
We spent too much time, money and soldiers lives chasing the illusion of Hussein having WMD, which did not pan out.

We are now in the middle of (some say fueled) a civil war in Iraq ,who had, essentially, very little to do with the attacks on 9/11,

Before everyone starts saying that Hussein had something to do with it, go do some research,

Bin Laden admitted and gloated and still continues to gloat, about it, and we went after someone else. That much we do know.

Not only did we go into Iraq, we pulled troops out of Afghanistan to fight in Iraq. The removal of Hussein was always been more important to the current administration than Bin Laden.

What will it take to kick our current administration in the ass to go get this guy? THAT war, I would support.

I, for one am not holding out for any promise that our current President even cares about catching Bin Laden after stating:

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02


"I am truly not that concerned about him."
- G.W. Bush, responding to a question about bin Laden's whereabouts,
3/13/02 (The New American, 4/8/02)

Why does the current administration wish to tell us, "It could happen again", when our commander in chief is "not that concerned" with him?

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority" -- 3/13/02

After an exhaustive search, I can't find any official transcript that shows Bush said this. It seems to be a recycled internet quote, mainly found on anti-Bush sites or anti-Bush forums. -- 23:34, 11 Mar 2004
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