Good thing you didn't otherwise you would have suffered an IQ drop from watching Miss South Carolina trying to answer a question: YouTube - Miss Teen USA 2007 - South Carolina answers a questionAnd I was going to watch that too! I missed
Good thing you didn't otherwise you would have suffered an IQ drop from watching Miss South Carolina trying to answer a question: YouTube - Miss Teen USA 2007 - South Carolina answers a question
Good thing you didn't otherwise you would have suffered an IQ drop from watching Miss South Carolina trying to answer a question: YouTube - Miss Teen USA 2007 - South Carolina answers a question
Holy Crap!!! Man, that was funny! I guess it's safe to assume that she didn't win?
Dude, She came in third. Can you imagine the quality of the others. This says a bunch about our educational system. Check out her bio:
Miss Teen USA® 2007: Interview
Good thing you didn't otherwise you would have suffered an IQ drop from watching Miss South Carolina trying to answer a question: YouTube - Miss Teen USA 2007 - South Carolina answers a question
After ~3 pages of worthless drivel, does anybody have any new info on this?
Good thing you didn't otherwise you would have suffered an IQ drop from watching Miss South Carolina trying to answer a question: YouTube - Miss Teen USA 2007 - South Carolina answers a question
After ~3 pages of worthless drivel, does anybody have any new info on this?
After ~3 pages of worthless drivel, does anybody have any new info on this?