Nitro Member
That is a very good post, Jim. Plus, if you add on the fact that us fans can't ever agree on anything that we want or like doesn't help. Some fans want 1000' and some want 1320'...some fans want fast cars and some want to slow them down...some like the looks of the cars and some don't...some fans think the ticket prices are a decent price and some don't...some fans like the points system and some don't... I could go on and on and on. There is not enough money in this world that would entice me to be the president of any Motorsports organization.In my opinion the hardest thing for the NHRA is trying to adjust to a world that is changing faster then ever.
Today people have so many things to choose from on any weekend to do and spend their money on so it's very important to keep the program fresh and interesting for fans who just watch on TV and for fans who attend the events.
The difficult part is every other sport is trying to do the exact same things with their programs.
For the typical family mom wants something that appeals to her while dad may want to go to the drag races the kids want to see a Monster Truck Show or something like that.
Honestly I would not want to be the NHRA trying to figure this out. Appealing to people who love drag racing is one thing but trying to appeal to the rest of the family is a whole other deal.
Jim Hill

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