What does this phrase mean? (2 Viewers)

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Jul 8, 2006
OK, now I know PLENTY of useless phrases, but what the heck does this mean?

It's all chicken, but the feathers.
Oh crap! Suzie you owe me a new monitor! :D
My granpa used to say that all the time ... actually he would say "It's all chicken but the feathers and beak" ... he used it to mean that you had all the good parts and few of the bad. Like if you got a new car and someone asked you how you liked it you could say "It's all chicken but the feathers and beak". That would mean you really liked the car and it had many more good points than bad.

He normally used it to surreptitiously point out good lookin' women without attracting attention to himself or offending grandma ... he would say "she's all chicken but the feathers and beak" meaning he really liked how the woman was put together.

EDIT: a quick websearch has quite a different meaning for the phrase. The web claims the most common usage would be to describe someone as a coward. "When it came to battle, he was all chicken but the feathers." The phrase was most popular during World War 1.
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sorta like "all that and a bag of chips" ?? or "six of one, half dozen of the other"?? Never heard the chicken one...:confused::confused:
Whatever you do, don't use the phrase "Rode hard and put away wet" around my aunt. She'll beat you for using inuendos in front of her.
Thanks y'all! Not quite the same type of subject, but I heard another good phrase today....

He's so negative he would depress the devil! LMAO! :D

And another one....

If brains were leather she wouldn't have enough to saddle a junebug!
My niece told me that my offer to pay her for washing my windows was "Better than a whack on the nose with a rusty poker".
My grandpa uses some of those. It must be an older person thing. Here's some others I've heard him say for years.

1. "He aint nothing but a candy-ass."

2. "Son, if I tell you a rooster dips snuff, you better look under his wing 'cause you'll find his can."

3. "Thats my kissing cousin."

4. "Never say cant. Cant never could."

5. "He's as useless as tits on a boar hog."

There's so many more I know I'm forgetting. I could tell Pappy stories forever.
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See, George Bush did say it!!! Haaaahahahaa! Coward!

Also, I would like to add that "He is one sandwich short of a picnic"!!!:D
5. "He's as useless as tits on a boar hog."

My granpa used to say "Useless as teets on a bull". LOL

Some others:

"He's about a half-bubble off plumb"

"Don't know sh!t from apple butter"

"His butt sucks buttermilk"

"Will run like a scalded dog"

"You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear"

"If you mess with the bull, don't cry when you get the horns"

"Busier than a one-armed paper hanger"
My granpa used to say "Useless as teets on a bull". LOL

Some others:

"He's about a half-bubble off plumb"

"Don't know sh!t from apple butter"

"His butt sucks buttermilk"

"Will run like a scalded dog"

"You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear"

"If you mess with the bull, don't cry when you get the horns"

"Busier than a one-armed paper hanger"

Too funny Chris, I've heard my Pappy say the apple butter and the silk purse out of a sow's ear before. He's a crazy old man. I've also heard him say, "Damn, he's busier than a one legged man in an ass kickin' contest!"
My Grandma used to say it won't rain if there's enough blue in the sky to make a pair of kitten britches. lol
I just got "I'll give it a lick and a promise" explained to me yesterday.

Not AT ALL what I thought! :eek::p;)
Oh please, do tell!

Heheh....basically, it's "I'll half-arse take care of it now and try to get back to it later.

I heard it in a different context....work related, but here's a literal example:
You break an egg on the kitchen floor. "Oh, crap! I'll give it a lick and a promise!" You wipe it up with a paper towel (lick it) and will (promise to) take cleaner and a mop to it later.
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