Price Increase (1 Viewer)

Gone Dead Train

Nitro Member
Got a email from NHRA.TV yesterday, that said "Happy Festivus" bend over, we are increasing your subscription to $159.99 per year.

So what does this mean?

So does this mean, they are turning the announcers down and turning the sound of the car's way up?
So does this mean, they are putting a camera at the 1000 ft line?
So does this mean, they are going to give us more clown acts? (read wannabe DJ)
So does this mean, A fool and his money are soon parted!!!
What really grinds my gears, beside continual cost increases (somewhat understandable so long as the product improves yearly), is the fact that they automatically bill you the standard rate and not the NHRA member rate forcing us to take TIME (time is money) to straighten it out with customer service. I should get an even bigger discount for that hassle that has gone on for years now!
Just canceled my renewal when I got that email. Every year another price increase and not a single extra feature to warrant the increase. Plus ongoing audio/video issues.

How about offering something to justify an increase - some suggestions, maybe put the event schedule in the app, how about the ladder live updated on Sundays, maybe add Nitro School to the app. Why not offer two audio streams, one with Alan, Joe, and Jason, and one with just car audio? There are so many more ways to add value to this that really wouldn't be an expense to them after the initial implementation.
Got a email from NHRA.TV yesterday, that said "Happy Festivus" bend over, we are increasing your subscription to $159.99 per year.

So what does this mean?

So does this mean, they are turning the announcers down and turning the sound of the car's way up?
So does this mean, they are putting a camera at the 1000 ft line?
So does this mean, they are going to give us more clown acts? (read wannabe DJ)
So does this mean, A fool and his money are soon parted!!!
Just like every year, pretty sure it only means the price went up. Remember they think we love and appreciate the clown and his antics, that they are "helping" us by turning down the sound (they don;t "get" car audio importance, never have, never will)
How dare we ask them to hire an audio engineer, when the clown must be paid first and foremost??
F1 programming is only $79.95, works flawlessly and includes interviews, movies, documentaries etc.
Got a email from NHRA.TV yesterday, that said "Happy Festivus" bend over, we are increasing your subscription to $159.99 per year.

So what does this mean?

So does this mean, they are turning the announcers down and turning the sound of the car's way up?
So does this mean, they are putting a camera at the 1000 ft line?
So does this mean, they are going to give us more clown acts? (read wannabe DJ)
So does this mean, A fool and his money are soon parted!!!
Maybe one day they will watch a Main Event video and see how its supposed to be done. Amanda and Bruno do a great job. No stupid,mindless comments. The dj reminds me of biden. You hit it perfect with your post. Im looking forward to Bradenton race, probably first 340 mph and no senseless comments from the booth.
Im watching floracing now pro shootout and their audio of the cars is so much better than nhratv. Announcers arent blowing out your eardrums either
You missed the point. Why do we pay to watch commercials and announcers without monitors and incremental times ?
You missed the point. Why do we pay to watch commercials and announcers without monitors and incremental times ?
Yeah, I wasn't a fan of all the commercials for something I paid $40 to watch. Regardless, well worth the money and I got to see some racing. I thought the broadcast was good.
You missed the point. Why do we pay to watch commercials and announcers without monitors and incremental times ?
I do miss the increm times,announcers werent to bad,im not to worried about some commercials,i just get up and grab a drink lol. Soumd of cars is def better
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