Vegas Pics.... (1 Viewer)

Nice work, Joe, as always. I can't believe I did not run into you at the track.
I was looking for your lens whenever I spotted any 'eye candy'.
It was awesome to finally be able to get out there for this race. Wish we could have had a better weekend though.
Super shots as always, but in the "gang" shot name names. I spot Greggo & Mark, but the rest must be left coasters..?

Zap, my brother Al is in the front in the orange shirt. Chris Cook behind him to the left. Paul Flores between my brother and me. Greggo and his girlfriend Lori directly behind Al. Kelly and her beau, Mike, behind Paul. The guy to the right of me was our adoptee, Matt. He was there by himself that day and I struck up a conversation with him and we all kinda hit it off with him.
Kelly and her beau, Mike, behind Paul. The guy to the right of me was our adoptee, Matt. He was there by himself that day and I struck up a conversation with him and we all kinda hit it off with him.
Everyone viewing that pic right now, including me, is wishing my head was chopped off.

Hey Gino O, Matt is your driver Andy's uncle! Small world, huh?
Super shots as always, but in the "gang" shot name names. I spot Greggo & Mark, but the rest must be left coasters..?

Zappy ... I am offended. You have been in my campsite at Indy more than once!!! Am I that forgettable? Wait ... don't answer that.

MM ... I am so sorry I didn't drop by and say hi. I will try to catch up to you at Pomona if you are there.
SHAME on me!!! Chris you & your dad always have a warm welcome for me. Mised ya this year. (maybe the kids are right, I'm gettin OLD) I'm about to give up on Indy, gonna have to start trying those west coast races if I'm gonna get to hang with the gang.
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