tried to watch monday elims. from pomona monday nite. knew the race would be on at 10pm cst. all i had to do was stay away from internet coverage on monday. i couldn't. the race happened.
needed to know who won, and followed each round all afternoon on DRC........made it thru 1st round of TF and FC, turned the channel somewhere during 1st round of PS. i knew who would win
each round. for me it's anti-climactic. some of the sunday elim. shows are tape delayed, and have been able to stay away from internet sunday afternoons and catch evening broadcast uninformed.
when at work during week, i follow many motorsports websites, notably nhra and F1.......we will find out if the tuesday nite PS show gets acceptable ratings. a question i would have for nhra
going forward. if these weeknite shows continue, will they also feature PSB? wondering if HD has perhaps expressed interest in additional PSB coverage? or some kind of additional television coverage
that would focus attention on HD. (i'm guessing HD is still spending significant money with the nhra?)