Top Fuel Engine Block (1 Viewer)

There was an indian guy with a shop that used make parts for some of the nitro guys. Fuzzy Carter called him "Chief Auto Parts" He made a billet engine block for Eddie Hill. I read that he did it on a Bridgeport mill and there were five trash cans full of chips.
There was an indian guy with a shop that used make parts for some of the nitro guys. Fuzzy Carter called him "Chief Auto Parts" He made a billet engine block for Eddie Hill. I read that he did it on a Bridgeport mill and there were five trash cans full of chips.
His nickname was Indian he did block and head work in a shop outside Zanesville Ohio lots of chips in the shop.He was making modular blocks eg. several pieces he passed from a heart attack young and the project was never completed.He also at the time did work for kalitta
What's amazing to me is even though it takes 40 hours for the mill to do its job, it took 240(!) hours to write the program to do all that mill work.
A block fresh out of the mill looks like a piece of art.
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