Yes - John Krannenburg was Chris's Crew Chief for awhile and when he moved out here to go to work for SpeedMasters he brought it with him. He actually had several things including Iodine Crystals and Picric Acid. He walked over to the car when it was running - Took off the fuel cap and poured a vile of something in and in a few seconds this thing sound completly different. It ratteled the tires but everyone wanted to be his next best friend. We knew a guy who worked at Rocketdyne with a Thermos bottle and we were in the Chemistry business

. After a while NHRA and Lions had dye put into the Nitro that would tell you if there was anything in the fuel when it was running. Later John Mitchel found out about making a filter out of activated Charcole that filtered out the dye and couldn't make them fast enough for a while. The first time we used it Madden didn't put in enough without telling me and I didn't feel anything - it was just a little ragged and smelled funny. Next pass everyone called him a pu$$y so he doubled or tripled up still not telling me. When it fired up I thaught he had something really messed up. I could hardley breathe and about 1/2 track it was shaking so hard I could see three of everything. I clipped it at about 1000 feet and went around the corner. Don (Madden) pulled up and jumped out of the truck with a wrench and took the hose off the tank. As the fuel ran onto the ground it started smoking. I said what the Hell is giong on? He told me and decided that we had to find out how to run this stuff. The secret "stuff" didn't cause the shake - it was the broken crankshaft from adding the "stuff". Don's older brother was best friends with the Chemist at Cox the model plane guys and he worked out the best mixture for the Hydrazine and the Picric Acid which isn,t really all that much. Other people ran it and who knows how many "Motors" they used up gettin it right.