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"We're going to have our own in-house engine program, and we're in the process of building a brand-new race shop in my hometown of Crestview, Fla.," said Hammonds. "The good thing about that is that it's only 10 minutes away from our local dragstrip, which will give us the opportunity to test. That will be a key component for us."
Great to see Tom return to the "Money Pit" , but I tend to disagree with the idea that it will bring more recognition to the sport.
Had he gone NASCRAP racing, most definiately, as their media machine works a bit differently than ours
Other than a few mentions in USA Today, Tom's crossover appeal really never went the other way to grab the attention of the "baller" crowd (who's car attention usually involves overpriced SUVs with locomotive sized wheels..), so the belief that we may see ANY upswing in attendance or press coverage due to star recognition (be it from other sports, music or movies) is a stretch, at best, IMHO.
It's our own little niche sport, and we welcome all to come play... I don't think as many of us would have the same opportunity to participate in the NBA (Hell, I can't even get good seats to that action! )
Well I can say for certain that a couple of basketball fans I work with followed Hammonds the last time he raced. And these were guys who had previously never shown any interest in any kind of motorsports whatsoever. I also know that NASCAR was successful in gaining a following from by a segment of football fans when several former NFL players and coaches got involved with the sport.
In other words, when it comes to attracting new fans to drag racing I think Hammonds' involvement certainly won't hurt.
It won't hurt, absolutely. And before I go off on one of my old-Mater rants about the NHRA media Dept, lets just say that maybe while NHRA is adopting NASCAR style rules and techniques, the'll also look at how the roundy-round boys get the word across to the rest of the world..
We now end this hijack and return you to your regularly scheduled thread... WELCOME BACK TOM!!!!
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