I bet Don is right that the "average" fan might not notice. Just like I think track owners thought the "average" fan cared more about ETs and MPHS ran by 70s match race funnies than they may have. Noise, smoke, and fire. You might be able to run them to the 1/8 without the "average" person in the stands noticing. (weird analogy but, I used to bartend and we'd often switch draft beer brands on people just to watch them not notice, LOL)
They may be shutting off at 1/4 of the distance but, not 1/4 of of the time spent running under power.
Likewise, I don't see why they'd make them do it at a track with that much shutdown.
Because................they are on the rev limiters for the last 300'.
Engine damage, of the "HOLY CRAP" variety ensues after that point.
I have been saying get rid of the limiters sine that day in June.
I also did not think they were a good idea before that, I was getting sick of going due to the fact that these events were turning into one big oilfest at the top end.
Carnage up there is wayyyyyyyyyyy down. So it's safer.
My standpoint is fix the tracks that cannot handle 330+ speeds, or eliminate them from the tour (or keep them at 1000'), remove the rev limiters, put all the nitro they can use back in, let 'em rip.
THAT is they way I would do this.
But it ain't gonna happen.
I'll go next year, and I'll enjoy myself, because that is what I will INTEND to do.
I'm not referring to you.
But I'm not a whiny crybaby pisspants that isn't getting my way and will hold my breath until I GET my way
. I'm not a miserable guy by nature, I'm happy.
I never start any crybaby threads here, don't participate in gossip, and view things with openness and gratitude..., heck, maybe this place ain't for me
This sport is STILL the best there is, still exciting, and I'll still have the same enthusiasim that I ever had.
Because I CHOOSE to.
People will still go to the races, the stands won't empty, the sport, no matter most of what, will still go on, it has survived, at least, worse.
A few "hold my breath" hardcores won't have a effect, once the economy upswings, disposable income will once again get disposed of, and the sport will thrive.
Sorry, I could not come up with any "doom and gloom" (I try better next time.................)