Doug in the woods
Nitro Member
I thought it was fertilizer that Timmy bought
amoniania nitrate and disel (can't spell worth a damm)
amoniania nitrate and disel (can't spell worth a damm)
The plain fact of the matter is McVeigh could have just as well used fuel oil, saved a lot of money and got the same explosive effect.
I am hoping that SOMEBODY in Glendora is talking , VERY FORCEFULLY, to their Official Fuel Sponsor to tell them to knock that crap off...
NO2 isn't carbon dioxide. That happens to be CO2. NO2 is nitric acid.
Last year Angus announced that it was stopping the sale of Nitro for racing in all the world except the USA on Jan. 1,2006.
Back in the '80s when we were running the Telstar, Doc was also an Angus dealer. At that time racing sales amounted to less than seven percent of their Nitro volume. Also most Nitro is sold for use at much lower percentages, in the early '60s we would buy drums of 70/30 (67%) that was used for cleaning presses from a local printer. We paid one third the racing dealer price!
Nitro is made by mixing the propane gas and acid spray in a chamber at very high temp & pressure, not something done at home. The product has to then be distilled several times to get "pure" Nitro.
I tested many different products ,and admixtures for Angus in the late '80s. We ran an industrial product they made that was 89% nitro & 11% other chemicals. They were willing to sell it for half the price per drum of 100% because of less distilling, and large sales to industry. Plus it was more stable for shipping.
The Okie bomb had the barrels of Nitro in the middle of the truck with the plastic barrels of fuel oil & fertilizer mix around them. The bomb making instructions said to use it for more "kick".(just ask the connecting rods if it works)! ! !
We Nitro junkies were very lucky that the news media never made a big deal about the "racing fuel" in the truck , Angus could have been over it back then.
Remember Angus is owned by Dow Chemicals,Nitro racing its nothing to their total sales volume. ($42 billion) Thanks to Don & Evan we can still get our weekend "drug fix".
I wonder if Evan Knoll's loving this???![]()
Evan, I wasn't referring to the Nitro "Scare" so to speak. I was referring to the Competition they're getting from Pro Nitro which I think prompted all this action. If Angus can't handle having competition, let 'em Bail for all I care.![]()
It clearly had more explosive power, the WTC parking garage bomb had a similar amount of Amonium Nitrate. The WTC bomb was inside the garage and the Murrah bomb was parked on the street. Look at the pictures of both and it is obvious there is a significant differance in damage.
Your comparison is faulty. The WTC blast was inside the building which was very, very strong at the bottom as it had to support the 100+ stories above it.
As has been post by Evan Knoll there are many substances which can cause a violent explosion. Singling out nitromethane is silly. Again don't get confused by the name, it is not nitroglycerin. Lets have a little more chemistry and a little less hype.
I'm not singeling Nitro nor am I confused about it, my response was to a post about fuel oil being as powerfull. I'm with you and Evan on this threads content, but the statment quoted in my post is incorrect, and I responded to it.
The bomb was more powerfull, if you don't think so, your confused.
The pertainent point of all this is the use of nitromethane was not a make or break factor in the explosion and thus singling it out as a really dangerous substance to sell on the open market is beyond silly.