The Dishonorable Death of Doa (1 Viewer)

And people wander why Iraq is a mess...

This is sick. :mad: People ask me why I dislike arabs, this is one of the reasons.
Sam...There gonna chop this thread if you keep going like that... Read the by-laws of the site before you keep going, bro...
Most of us who post here are fortunate to live in countries with a history of religious tolerance and freedom of speech. This is certainly not the case in "Civilizations" that are thousands of years older than ours. Religious hatred, abuse of women and genocide run rampant all over the world and we are just unable (with good reason) to understand.
IMHO - We need to stop spending billions trying to impose democracy on populations whose mission is to destroy their "enemies" (including us) and take care of our own. I'm as conservative a person as you could find, but I'm sick of seeing stories about millions of Americans going hungry and suffering health problems because we are trying to save the world.
I hope something will come out of the next election thats allows our country to focus on saving our own citizens, but I'm afraid it will never happen.
Needed to vent on this, thanks for listening - Jim
Most of us who post here are fortunate to live in countries with a history of religious tolerance and freedom of speech. This is certainly not the case in "Civilizations" that are thousands of years older than ours. Religious hatred, abuse of women and genocide run rampant all over the world and we are just unable (with good reason) to understand.
IMHO - We need to stop spending billions trying to impose democracy on populations whose mission is to destroy their "enemies" (including us) and take care of our own. I'm as conservative a person as you could find, but I'm sick of seeing stories about millions of Americans going hungry and suffering health problems because we are trying to save the world.
I hope something will come out of the next election thats allows our country to focus on saving our own citizens, but I'm afraid it will never happen.
Needed to vent on this, thanks for listening - Jim

Right on, Jim... We have billions going to a country, that in 5 years will be burning our flag in their streets, and yet I still have friends in New Orleans still living in trailers while they are waiting for the paperwork to get processed... Somewhere along the line, the focus of who is REALLY important has kind of gotten lost... And I'm stopping there before this gets moved to the Politics Room:D
Right on, Jim... We have billions going to a country, that in 5 years will be burning our flag in their streets, and yet I still have friends in New Orleans still living in trailers while they are waiting for the paperwork to get processed... Somewhere along the line, the focus of who is REALLY important has kind of gotten lost... And I'm stopping there before this gets moved to the Politics Room:D

And now . . . most of the Kansas National Guard and it's equipment is in Iraq!
Kudos to the Governor for bringing this to the Nation's attention.
Of course, FEMA is there. That should greatly encouage the residents of this devastated town after New Orleans got kicked under the bus.
Is there a Politics Room? If Mods kick us there, I will be raising some Hell !!!
Religious hatred, abuse of women and genocide run rampant all over the world and we are just unable (with good reason) to understand.

Don't forget the infanticide. If they don't kill the children before birth, they kill them or abandon them to die of exposure.

I can't fathom some of the abuses that the women and young girls go through. I read somewhere that female castration is still rampant through third world countries.
And now . . . most of the Kansas National Guard and it's equipment is in Iraq!
Kudos to the Governor for bringing this to the Nation's attention.
Of course, FEMA is there. That should greatly encouage the residents of this devastated town after New Orleans got kicked under the bus.
Is there a Politics Room? If Mods kick us there, I will be raising some Hell !!!
A while back, one of the mods started a room that you had to PM and sign up to enter at your own risk, so to speak... If I find it, I'll be sure and let you know...

We must set the example and start with our own here at home... Until we do that, who the hell is going to take us seriously?? I know the rest of the world is killing for reasons beyond my understanding... But we are also doing the same... We have dumb running the show now... Dumber is coming next if you can believe that... It's going to get much worse before, if it ever gets better... JMO

Why do we swallow everything they feed us??
I better stop as well... But would love to continue...
Most of us who post here are fortunate to live in countries with a history of religious tolerance and freedom of speech. This is certainly not the case in "Civilizations" that are thousands of years older than ours. Religious hatred, abuse of women and genocide run rampant all over the world and we are just unable (with good reason) to understand.
IMHO - We need to stop spending billions trying to impose democracy on populations whose mission is to destroy their "enemies" (including us) and take care of our own. I'm as conservative a person as you could find, but I'm sick of seeing stories about millions of Americans going hungry and suffering health problems because we are trying to save the world.
I hope something will come out of the next election thats allows our country to focus on saving our own citizens, but I'm afraid it will never happen.
Needed to vent on this, thanks for listening - Jim

Jim do you have any idea how many Billions we spend on Poverty every year in this country? We spend more on Poverty and Emergency relief spending than we do National Defense that I guarantee you! Everytime I hear people say we need to spend more on our own people just tells me how naive people are in this country to just how much we spend on such programs!

Don't believe me? See for yourself, you can find any Gov. program and how much is spent!
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Jim do you have any idea how many Billions we spend on Poverty every year in this country? We spend more on Poverty and Emergency relief spending than we do National Defense that I guarantee you! Everytime I hear people say we need to spend more on our own people just tells me how naive people are in this country to just how much we spend on such programs!

Don't believe me? See for yourself, you can find any Gov. program and how much is spent!

Search Results (v2)
Thanks Joe, I look forward to reading this... I just wonder how much REALLY goes to take care of THE bill, and how much is lining someones pocket before it gets to that point... I have not read a single word yet, but have had an experience dealing with this subject, and will be happy to read this... Thanks
Jim do you have any idea how many Billions we spend on Poverty every year in this country? We spend more on Poverty and Emergency relief spending than we do National Defense that I guarantee you! Everytime I hear people say we need to spend more on our own people just tells me how naive people are in this country to just how much we spend on such programs!

Don't believe me? See for yourself, you can find any Gov. program and how much is spent!

Joe - no, I don't know and could care less! Have you heard about how many billions of our tax dollars are being wasted in Iraq on supposed
"reconstruction"? Insurgents are destroying infrastructure as fast as it is built.
Children in our country are going hungry and seniors are suffering and dying because they can't afford health care.
So . . . we should continue to provide aid to people who hate our country and are on a mission to kill our troops? I don't think so!
Those people have hatreds that go back thousands of years. We don't understand this and are never going to solve their problems. If they want to kill each other - get the hell out and let them go for it!
This thread has more twists than a pretzel. :eek:

There is a Politics room. PM the webmaster (Shannan) for access.

We aren't fighting a war for people who hate us. We are fighting a war in a country that has been infiltrated by people who hate us.

We didn't impose a democracy in Iraq. Real Iraqis risked their lives by the millions to participate in a genuine election.

Infrastructure in Iraq isn't being destroyed as fast as it is, or has been, being constructed. ain't even close, but, if the major media outlets were to focus on the truth about that, it'd defeat THEIR agenda.

Children going hungry in our country isn't a result of a lack of governmental funding, it would be a lack of responsible parenting. The programs are there.

Emergency health care is available to everyone in this country, insured or not. Long term health care isn't available to everyone who can't afford it. Why would anyone think it should be? If you think it should, who is going to pay for it? Socialized medicine would be a disaster in this country for two reasons. The level of care across the board would become substandard, and it would cost more at the taxpayer level for every American. Lose/Lose!

Leave it to a Democrat (the sitting governor of Kansas) to try to turn a natural disaster into a political issue! :( She should be ashamed of herself! While there is a depletion of available hardware and personnel in the KS National Guard due to the war, there are enough resources still in place to react to this kind of unfortunate occurrence.

This was a town with a population of 2000 people, and the tornado was what, 4 days ago? The mentality of the Feds somehow must be there instantaneously is misplaced at best. The Feds don't know the area. They don't know the local people. They don't know the local emergency responders. They don't know the ability, willingness and resolve of the people in the area (and outside of it) to respond and help in any way they can. That final point is what this country is really about. People helping each other when the need arises, not expecting the government to be there before they are. ....I've already been hearing from friends in Kansas who are going to Greensburg to help, some of them doing so after helping folks who were nailed in the flood that hit Topeka during the same time as the Greensburg tornado.
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This thread has more twists than a pretzel. :eek:

There is a Politics room. PM the webmaster (Shannan) for access.

We aren't fighting a war for people who hate us. We are fighting a war in a country that has been infiltrated by people who hate us.

We didn't impose a democracy in Iraq. Real Iraqis risked their lives by the millions to participate in a genuine election.

Infrastructure in Iraq isn't being destroyed as fast as it is, or has been, being constructed. ain't even close, but, if the major media outlets were to focus on the truth about that, it'd defeat THEIR agenda.

Children going hungry in our country isn't a result of a lack of governmental funding, it would be a lack of responsible parenting. The programs are there.

Emergency health care is available to everyone in this country, insured or not. Long term health care isn't available to everyone who can't afford it. Why would anyone think it should be? If you think it should, who is going to pay for it? Socialized medicine would be a disaster in this country for two reasons. The level of care across the board would become substandard, and it would cost more at the taxpayer level for every American. Lose/Lose!

Leave it to a Democrat (the sitting governor of Kansas) to try to turn a natural disaster into a political issue! :( She should be ashamed of herself! While there is a depletion of available hardware and personnel in the KS National Guard due to the war, there are enough resources still in place to react to this kind of unfortunate occurrence.

This was a town with a population of 2000 people, and the tornado was what, 4 days ago? The mentality of the Feds somehow must be there instantaneously is misplaced at best. The Feds don't know the area. They don't know the local people. They don't know the local emergency responders. They don't know the ability, willingness and resolve of the people in the area (and outside of it) to respond and help in any way they can. That final point is what this country is really about. People helping each other when the need arises, not expecting the government to be there before they are. ....I've already been hearing from friends in Kansas who are going to Greensburg to help, some of them doing so after helping folks who were nailed in the flood that hit Topeka during the same time as the Greensburg tornado.

A voice of reason. Thanks for spelling it out for those who don't understand Bob.

As to your last paragraph, the order of response in any natural disaster is as follows.....local, state, Federal. Did I mention, in that order?

Also, while it is true that National Guard units from that state are on duty in Iraq, 80% of the Guard is still in Kansas! Really, folks need to listen to news on a different channel or two, if they're interested in knowing the whole truth about any situation. But wait, what am I saying? It's far easier for most people to drink the Kool Aid from the Liberal pitcher.
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