Nitro Member
The first thing that comes to mind is doubling the points like it used to be. That'll make it interesting.
Why did they go away with the 1.5x the points for Indy? I think 85 or 86 they went away with it. Raising the stakes would help raise the prestige of winning the U.S. Nationals.
An older Drag Race fan I met at E-Town this year went to Indy in the 60's & 70's. He described it as at that time it was where East met the West...the only race of the year where you could see all the top cars run at once. The Hemi Shootout is still in that spirit I guess...But professional fuel racing isn't regional as it was then. It's hard to call one car from the East coast or West Coast or South etc. cause the teams all end up in Brownsville Indiana it seems. It's just harder to distinguish the U.S. Nationals from another national event on T.V. or in the press.
Being there is another story...IRP is a amazing race track to be at, and I still get goose bumps right before first round on Monday