Nitro Member
Wouldn't it be cool to have a top fueler sitting up on it's ProJacks, right there on the 18th green and lighting the motor, as they're making thier final strokes toward the cup?
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I couldn't agree more.... Thank you Lord!!!Just magine the poor souls living amoungst each of us......who have been waiting all day for GOLF to be on ESPN2! If there were ever a time to reflect upon one's life, one's livleyhood... one's purpose, ones passion and love..... I sincerely thank you Lord.... for not making mine related to GOLF!
Butt, The Snowman and his adult friends like golf.Just magine the poor souls living amoungst each of us......who have been waiting all day for GOLF to be on ESPN2! If there were ever a time to reflect upon one's life, one's livleyhood... one's purpose, ones passion and love..... I sincerely thank you Lord.... for not making mine related to GOLF!
Yeah like me all I got too see was first round of fuel. I emailed ESPN and told em how much they suck. I couldnt even find anything related to Drag Racing on their site.looks like 5:30 start for us The ones that set their vcr and dvr's are going to be pissed to lose the last hour or so of the race.Looks like those on the east coast are going to be up late.
Duh..what the hell is that, John! Why even go there??Butt, The Snowman and his adult friends like golf.
I got to see the entire race and all it took was a little patience. I also play golf. Does that make me a twit?
Way to use the quote button Jim!Doc - encouaging patience here is a noble thought, but probably futile!
On to golf - I can see it now! The Wannabe Driver - huge Unobtanium head with 52" carbon fiber shaft . . . club speed? 330 mph -![]()
Way to use the quote button Jim!
Since you mentioned it, our last tournament that all three boys and I played in, every one of us outdrove the long ball marker but Buzzz got the award with a 361 yard drive. Generally we play our second shot from an adjoining fairway, however. Oh, and carbon shafts are way to whippy so we have to stick with stiff steel.
Okay, drove home from Richmond, had my youngest set the vcr to record the race... told him 7 to 9:30... got home at 8:30, took and shower and went to bed...
I wanted it just because... standing at 600 feet out, there's just some things the mind misses... and yeah, I played rail bird all weekend... ESPN2 didn't play Papa John's comment about the family jewels, did they? great reaction from the stands on that....
Thing is I wanted the coverage as a keepsake...oh, well, live and learn....
and no, even if I realized what was going on with the telecast, I'm not sure I could have changed his vcr to catch it...