People are just expressing their opinions on the incident. That's what discussion boards allow.What?? You made my point for me, thank you! People need to stop thinking, suggesting, or demanding how others should act. As long as he owns what he says, why do you care? He doesn't have to meet the expectations of anyone here. You don't like him, fine. It's your right.
The NHRA official working the turn off decides who goes and who doesn't. He's the traffic cop and has a view the drivers in their cars don't. More than once a car has been held because the other car is having a problem and could likely mow down someone pulling in front of them.
Etiquette has nothing to do with it. It's a safety thing.
I actually learned something new about turn off etiquette. I've been doing it wrong this whole time. Thanks TG15!
"I can count on one hand the amount of people I truly hate. They are 1. Tanner, 2. Tanner, 3. Tanner, 4. Tanner, 5. Tanner" - Anonymous PS driverI'm gonna throw a TG15 (Thanks Jason Line) if you try that shit with me LOL
In car camera in tg15 would be priceless when he loses hahah
I am grateful for 2 things:
1. None of you knew me when I was 19.
2. There were no internet message boards when I was 19.
I grew up (sorta) ...
The age excuse is weak. I did some stuff back in the day and guess what. I was called on it and had to fix it. I wasn't coddled and brushed off with well he's only .....
At what age will he accountable? Hell to my dad I'm still a kid, can't I act a fool then