Oh stop yourself with the modesty crap...it's a Tits and Ass contest...not beauty pageantbending over wagging her rear end wearing a thong on tv is trashy.
you would never see Ashley doing that.
there is a beauty in modesty also
Oh stop yourself with the modesty crap...it's a Tits and Ass contest...not beauty pageant
I'm happy for ya'.
We're still maintaining a 9 point lead!!
Oh stop yourself with the modesty crap...it's a Tits and Ass contest...not beauty pageant
Oh stop yourself with the modesty crap...it's a Tits and Ass contest...not beauty pageant
I'll enthusiastically but respectfully disagree.Oh stop yourself with the modesty crap...it's a Tits and Ass contest...not beauty pageant
...and that's where your wrong, it's not a contest about "modesty and discretion"...it's about which one would you more like to stick your "ho-ho" in a few times.If you have two women both with good looks and one has modesty and discretion and the has none.
the modest one wins easily.
...and that's where your wrong, it's not a contest about "modesty and discretion"...it's about which one would you more like to stick your "ho-ho" in a few times.
Bobby, it's a Tits and Ass contest. So if Ashley wins, I guess we'll see a press release from John Force Racing about the victory at the Q95 Tit's and Ass poll? My betting money says JFR would like to distance themselves from these types of unsanctioned and unscientific polls...along with a few others on that poll.Ashley already won once as a result of her beauty amid modesty, I wouldn't be too surprised to see her win again.
Ok, my willingness to argue my point makes me sensitive?You sure seem sensitive over this.
Ok, my willingness to argue my point makes me sensitive?Kiss my ass, put that in your pipe and smoke it.
I agree with tony on this one...Stacy Kiebler no class?...Give me a break...She is one of the only females in wrestling that told Vince McMahon to shove it because of guess what, morals. Do some research next time instead of just looking at the pictures. Oh and BTW if she had no class she would have been a playboy bunny years ago but ye again she declined that too. Guess that means she has no character.
I agree with tony on this one...Stacy Kiebler no class?...Give me a break...She is one of the only females in wrestling that told Vince McMahon to shove it because of guess what, morals. Do some research next time instead of just looking at the pictures. Oh and BTW if she had no class she would have been a playboy bunny years ago but ye again she declined that too. Guess that means she has no character.
And Stacey didn't have a wealthy daddy paying her bills along the way. This other guy's way off the mark and I raised 3 daughters btw. Stacey was just on the past two epsodes of October Road. She's a keeper.