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Steve Chrisman, Grant Downing VS John Force's scooter

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I don't usually jump-in on threads that MIGHT be seen as "bashing" the TV package. This one, however, is needed constructive criticism.

After the third mention of the scooter, it was ridiculous.

Sure, JF is our Richard Petty (in terms of name recognition) but there could be great human interest in so many of the racer's stories:

How does a low-buck racer raise the (fewer) bucks to get to a national event?
What kind of folks fund a Top Fuel or Funny Car knowing they're unlikely to ever win a race (or, eve, go rounds)?
What kind of folks become part of an all-volunteer crew?
How many racers take used parts (from JFR?) or make a block last an entire season and still qualify fairly reliably?
What impact has NHRA had on Brownsburg(?) Indiana?

So many stories going begging.
So many stories going begging.

Its amazing the engineering thats involved with today's racing too. So much more powerful, louder, and fasater then any other motorsport.

They should figure out a way to embellish these points. Instead of seeing how many runs you can get in over some event, set up a drag race between a nascar cup car and a fueler, or a indy car and a fueler... wouldnt that be fun... give the indy car a 5 second head start.

Physically show how many stock mustangs equal one John Force car

Theres got to be other things like these that are simple and more interesting then what theyre putting out now.

Two segments they did along these lines that I remember that I haven't seen since (or been able to find on youtube)

- when they had a bottle of powerade at the start and showed how much it vibrated during a burnout

- when they hopped in the back of a truck started driving down track on the return road, got a 10 second head start before the fuelers came tearing by and beat them to the finish.
If you are referring to my boy Tony Smith. Then your comments are comical! Tony is the man. And believe me, he knows what he's talking about!

Ditto from me also, Michael. Kinda uncalled for blasting someone who hasn't even posted on this particular thread. We are lucky to have someone like Tony who IS extremely knowledgeable and IS truly on the inside and has lots of good insight to share with us. I hope he chooses to stay around on the Mater even though he is getting bludgeoned on this thread in absentia. I am very fond of T's knowledge and wry sense of humor.
I don't know about everybody else on here, but I watch ESPN to see how the cars do, not to see interviews. I could care less who they interview and why. If you don't like it, don't watch it. Quit your *****en'. And as far as Densham, Chrisman, etc. not getting coverage on tv, they were throwin' the sponsors names out alot over the PA at the track. Pretty much all ya heard on Sat. was about Densham and Gonzo's. And Bob Frey was pretty good at giving info about the cars over the PA. If ya wanna get on TV, start winning some rounds (or a few Championships). How many people do you see behind Forces pit at any given race? I would almost bet that at some point all you Force haters are there when you go to the races. Say what you will about him, but imagine a season with no JFR cars there.
Bob Frey is one of the best in the business, so it's no surprise that he gave ample backround about the racers and sponsors over the PA, but the TV package is a different topic. The TV show should be a way to promote and further the awareness of the sport, and it has to be compelling to do that. I think most here agree that Force has done amazing things for the sport, but things like his scooter mileage and Feng Shui in Neff's trailer is pretty much like "jumping the shark" for a TV show about drag racing, at least IMO. If I was courting a sponsor, I'd actually be a bit embarrassed about them watching the TV coverage. The privateers that are currently filling out the fields need to be able to go back to the people and companies that are helping them race and say, "Look at the TV coverage I was able to get you this weekend! Let's talk about stepping up!" In so many words, you get my drift...
and what makes you an expert in the opposite??? You honestly think that Jack and Snake would criticize her on TV??? Lord knows i am the biggest Ashley fan around but there is room for improvement and she'd be the first to tell you so

Thanks for saving me 1st half of my reply!

For the record Lynn, I don't need a time slip to know what a good RT average is and what a poor reaction time average. Here's another stat to look at, how many holeshot loses in one year. Stats are facts and you don't need a time slip to be able to observe and formulate your own opinion. Also, you should talk to Tony as he can teach you a thing or two about drag racing and I am willing to bet he has forgotten more than you know about the sport. One final point, if she continues to get beat on holeshots what are her chances to win the title? I can answer that one for you if you would like, NOT GOOD.
I agree with how annoying the Force show has gotten on NHRA. Who knows though, with the direction things are going, it might someday be a 8 car JFR field. Think about it.. if his two upcoming daughters get FC's, thats a JFR team of 6 not far down the road. Unless John retires.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe there is a 4 car per class limit.
I'm surprised no one mentioned the feng shui coverage as well-it was on all three shows. I kept thinking that they must be able to come up with something better than that to fill time. I agree with most of the other posters-give us some info about some of the little guys if you can't come up with anything more interesting than the scooter and feng shui on the big guys. It got very repetitive and boring. I can't imagine even a casual fan enjoyed all that. Just seems like NHRA is not using any creativity in covering the sport and is trying to be too cute. In addition to a lot of the previous suggestions, I would like to see some details about the Army guys that come to the races-that would give publicity to a big team and be a lot more interesting.
don't care for frivolous side stories either, but in this tight economy, you
gotta' hand it to the teams that get this 'extra' coverage.
do you think jfr's PR staff mite have something to do with the scooter
and neff's chinese deal?

why script, film and cover a story if the story falls in your lap and all
you have to do is film it?

seems that the chrisman, downing, etc. stories that some ask for mite
need a little more initiate from the teams themselves to let the
espn crew know that they have a story to tell?

???????? don't know.

the boxing metaphor was ridiculous.
Seriously, is there ANYONE who thinks the feng shui bit was anything but a "jump the shark" moment? If you were a casual fan, just tuning by on your TV, wouldn't your reaction to this segment have been less "wait, let's stop and see this" and more "WTF?"

If NHRA wants to attract more people to the sport, how about explaining the sport, not making it look frivolous. I've said it before, I'll say it again...

<climbing up on soapbox>

NHRA needs about 30 two to three minute segments on the sport. Call it the "Castrol Pit Insider" segment.

Topics from the basic:
  • How the timing system works (what are all those numbers?)
  • How the parachutes are released (with the new auto-release option)
  • How they decide who goes first
  • How a racer gets sponsors (and why it's so hard now)
  • What all the safety systems are (both on car and on track)
  • etc.
To the more advanced:
  • Why reaction times are so different for different classes?
  • How they adjust a fuel clutch for the varying track/weather conditions?
  • Exactly what are they doing when they lift the body on a funny car after the burnout?
  • What's the difference between the two TAD configurations?
  • etc.
And they should evangelize sportsman racing (the future of the sport):
  • What are all these sportsman classes?
  • What is up with that throttle stop thingy?
  • What are the different trees?
  • So you want to go drag racing
  • How to get started, it costs less than you think
  • Junior drag racing, the future of the sport
  • etc.

If they ran these videos both during the TV show (instead of the scooter run log or feng shui by force girl) and instead of the intensely lame Geico clowns at the track, maybe newbies would actually understand the sport. Heck maybe they'd even tell a friend or two.

<down off soapbox... again>
Ditto from me also, Michael. Kinda uncalled for blasting someone who hasn't even posted on this particular thread. We are lucky to have someone like Tony who IS extremely knowledgeable and IS truly on the inside and has lots of good insight to share with us. I hope he chooses to stay around on the Mater even though he is getting bludgeoned on this thread in absentia. I am very fond of T's knowledge and wry sense of humor.
You whine like Whit!!!! :p I never bashed anyone, just asked a simple ? and as of yet everything has been said and my ? not answered. Trust me I have no problem with Tony. But on the other hand I have no problem speaking my mind. I never said I was an expert or even claimed to be. I just made a simple statement and I was the one that was bashed. I just said I thought Ashley was a GOOD(not great or the best ever!!:rolleyes:) Funny Car driver and some of you try to get all technical and put words in my mouth. I still stick to what I said, She is a good driver!!!:p
and what makes you an expert in the opposite??? You honestly think that Jack and Snake would criticize her on TV??? Lord knows i am the biggest Ashley fan around but there is room for improvement and she'd be the first to tell you so

I really don't think Snake is the type to sugar coat!!!!!:D
chris, i'd like to respectfully disagree with you. if the technical side of racing was in demand, then you'd have to argue F1 should be the hands down #1 TV motorsport for many years running

new fans need food / geico mascots / cold beer / racing / food / interactive displays / food / cold pop / racing / food / nitro mall / shade / cold beer / racing / food / free t-shirts / expensive t-shirts / cold pop / food / and richard petty, oh, i mean john force riding in front of grandstand on scooter because he's hands down the most recognizeable name in sport still competing.

the technical side of any entertainment or sport will be understood by those with a true passion for it - for those just out for enjoyment, give them the
basics...........something along the lines of 'keep it simple stupid'.
chris, i'd like to respectfully disagree with you. ...
the technical side of any entertainment or sport will be understood by those with a true passion for it - for those just out for enjoyment, give them the
basics...........something along the lines of 'keep it simple stupid'.

I'm not saying get really technical (at least not for all of them), just make it not mysterious. If they're going to say "hole shot", explain it. The "track-tionary" things are lame, they explain words with more words. It's TV dang it, don't explain a hole shot with words, SHOW a hole shot.

They should try this: sit your mom or your 12 year old kid down at the TV coverage, or take them to the races. Write down the first 20 questions they have, and do the segments on those.
and pretty girls.......:D sorry couldn't resist!

While we are making positive suggestions, I have always thought a lot of what makes this a great sport doesn't come through on TV. The next best thing is to show a new fan's first reaction to fuel cars leaving the line or whacking the throttle during warm up. You can't buy that kind of promo.... the smiles are huge and everyone high fiving and slapping backs.

Maybe combine one of the US Army "special guests" and/or a pretty girl getting the "first blast" :D Then tell their story.
Paul, I am the first one to get on Ashley about her rt's and have done so several times but yesterday she improved. She had a .081 and a .98. Not saying she still cant improve b/c she can but most importantly she needs to atleast keep them below .100. Not everyone is otherworldy like Tony P puting them down in the 20's to 50's all the time.

You are right about that.......Another interesting fact regarding RT's, yesterday's winner did not have one RT below .100 :eek: I don't remember much criticism of Wilk's RT's ;)
between Paul "with a THREE" Page, the bizarre promo stuff and the overload of inane human interest stuff, I've gotten to the point that the ONLY way I can watch the NHRA broadcasts is by DVRing them and fast forwarding through the chaff...

it usually takes me about 1 hour to an 1:15 to watch the 3 hour show (less when the bikes are running...sorry bike guys)
Well I certainly didn't mean for this to get derailed into a Force bashing thread or a slam on my buddy Tony. John and group have a great team and you can't fault them for accepting whatever angle is thrown their way, be it the cat, Mike Neff's trailer, or John's scooter. I'm curious to see how much time John is given in the upcoming sportsman show. I hope Doug Gordon showed them his cat.

The point is, the professional classes are at an all time low in terms of participation. Giving very minimal to no coverage to teams that put 1/2 of everything they own on the starting line is a shame. Getting on TV is what these teams need in order to sweet talk a sponsor into helping them.

One person posting said they haven't won a round and deserve little if any coverage. Well you might as well go to 8 car fields. Because if these guys, who are willing to show up and qualify for the 8-16 spots of the big show, have no chance at any coverage they will never have a chance to secure funding in order to beat those teams.

Remember, John Force was once a truck driver living in a single-wide who somehow convinced Wendy's, Coca Cola and everyone else to take a chance on him. The first thing the sponsor wants to know is "What's in it for me?"

If guys like Grant spend $30,000 to go to one race hoping to get a little air time for their qualifying efforts in order to have a video to take to a sponsor, but the show consists of 30 minutes of Force's scooter, 20 minutes in Neff's trailer and 2 seconds of Grant's right rear quarter panel, was hardly worth the effort if you wanted to have something to give to a prospective sponsor.

Bob Frey and Alan get it. That's why you heard them talk these teams up at the races.

Grant Downing is a good friend of mine and I know what he has to do to sacrifice to show up at the few events he's able to attend. I'm also friends with Steve Chrisman and I know a little (not a lot) about what he has between the frame rails. A 3.99 from that team would be as amazing as a 3.69 from Antron Brown. Steve's run would have put quite a few of the big names on the trailer that day.

I know Mike Dunn gets it. I just wonder if the rest of the production crew will. I hope NHRA can convince the TV guys to show some "respect" for the guys who are willing to put it all on the line in this economy. I would also like to give Paul Page a personal note. Don't laugh at these guys when they lose. Yes, laugh. I hear it. Doesn't happen every time, but it happens.

Sure, they have a mountain to climb. But try showing a little more respect when commenting, like Mike Lewis (DSR Racing) did to me over the PA system when he was announcing 16 years ago (when I was kinda new to TA/FC) and Bob Newberry handed me my a$$ at Pomona. I have it on home video. Mike announced Bob's time and then mine, and then said "Randy continues to learn and improve..." I was able to use that video tape to find $$ to run my car later on. His comment put a positive note on a losing effort for me and I appreciated it. I know Grant struggled last weekend, but whenever he does make a respectable run I know he would appreciate a little love, too. The kind of love a sponsor would like to hear.

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