look at whats going on here. we're bashing low driver pay, poor TV coverage, and the countdown at the same time! does anyone else see the irony?
BEFORE the coundown, TV coverage was bad, driver pay was low, and race attendance was just OK. at least the NHRA is trying to bring these factors up. face it, whatever was going on before the countdown was not working. and fact is, more people are watching NHRA in just 2/3 of the first countdown year than ever before.
it blows my mind how some people whine and complain about how NHRA gets "no love" from the mainstream, but then yells at the NHRA for trying to fix it.
/rant over
ok lets see sponsors are already concerned over coverage, or lack thereof, which is leading to thier payout packages being scaled back if teams don't make the countdown (which mean less driver pay for one) less money means some teams may not be able to complete the season which could lead to fields having less than 16 cars, thus angering fans who might not show up or watch on tv(ie lower ratings). You don't fix a problem by making it worse or by opening so many other issues. Gimmicks like this are short term at best and long term damaging.