Nitro Member
Fortunately, we only installed Vista on one of our six PC workstations. We are having HUGE problems printing to our two digital presses and Mitsubishi DPX plate imagesetter. I know it's frustrating to have problems at home, but when MicroSoft's newest product prevents professionals from producing items for sale, it really P$$$$ me off!
I wish we could just use our macs, but MicroSoft has convinced the public that S$$$ like Publisher, Word and Powerpoint are real graphics programs.
And . . . of course, older versions of these programs do not work with Vista, forcing us to spend $400 for professional version of Office on each computer with Vista installed.
Do I hate MicroSoft? - you bet your A$$ !!!!!
$400?! There are some (reputable) online shops that sell the academic versions of Office 2007 Pro for less than $200.