My opinion? Not that it matters much, but I thought the "OLD MATER" was just fine about 80% of the time. If the 12 moderators had done the job they were selected to do, and not shown the favoriteism that they did, it wouldn't have needed a complete house cleaning. But they didn't an so we now have the "NEW" mater, when it is sofar been nothing but P/C at it best.IMHO.
I'm just tickled to be or old. I found some humor in most of the attacks directed at me. Some of it wasn't worth even wasting time on and even more made me 'give win'. Either way it went....I didn't lose much sleep or take it personally. I just had less desire to come online and catch up. It is alot less stressful NOT having to weed through the B.S. though.![]()
Depends on what your defination of rockin "is" Looks to me like it's mostly the same bunch of posters that were posting on the old site,(less the people that had opposing views)from when we had over 6000 members.
Lets not forget that it took just over 6 years to get to that 6000 member number. Now we are at 1000 in less than a month.
I'm just tickled to be or old. I found some humor in most of the attacks directed at me. Some of it wasn't worth even wasting time on and even more made me 'give win'. Either way it went....I didn't lose much sleep or take it personally. I just had less desire to come online and catch up. It is alot less stressful NOT having to weed through the B.S. though.![]()
It's all good NAZ.
I know Robert has had a few beefs with Mods in the past. We've exchanged a few PM's but it always ended up civil between us..I try hard to be fair..that's all we can do. Varying opinions are needed..I'm just hopeful that it will all be done in a civilized manner..because disrespect/BS isn't going to fly anymore.
(as long as we get the tools we need..wink wink)
It's great to log in and not have to worry what a few negative posters can do to a site..I'm not talking about a respectful disagreement..we all saw what trashing/name calling, etc. did. I'm pleased so's growing well.
That's impressive! Some said this place would go in the toilet, I guess the results have proven the doubters wrong.
I can't believe Angie hasn't thanked me for Begging her to come back!![]()
So if it feels too tame and not controversial enough... jump in. Your name is attached to your post.