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some mater stats....

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are there people from the old mater who haven't signed up for the new?

I 'm sorry I hadn't noticed. :)
My opinion? Not that it matters much, but I thought the "OLD MATER" was just fine about 80% of the time. If the 12 moderators had done the job they were selected to do, and not shown the favoriteism that they did, it wouldn't have needed a complete house cleaning. But they didn't an so we now have the "NEW" mater, when it is sofar been nothing but P/C at it best.:rolleyes: IMHO.:)

Everyone's opinion 'matters' Robert. There has been talk about using 'real names' as opposed to people hiding behind screen names for as long as I've been a member here. The subject always came up when some people started posting disrespectful opinions and the issues escalated. A few pushed it over the limit recently, and now it is real names only.

You can only beat that old 'if the moderators had done their job/hadn't shown favoritism' horse so many times. Whether they did or didn't doesn't matter anymore. This is what it is now. Apparently the owner and webmaster thought it did need a complete house cleaning.

You're obviously unhappy here and angry about the change. While I'm sorry you feel that way, that is your choice to do so. It's too bad that a small number of people made the change necessary, but the change was made and this is what it is now.

Some previous maters have already returned and it's good to 'see' them here again. People will always come and go.

If people treated one another with respect, there would be no need for monitors. The first step towards treating others with respect, is having respect for oneself. People who respect themselves, do not gain pleasure from making hateful and mean spirited remarks about others, calling them names or insulting them. And that's how people can tell the difference between an 'opinion' and being disrespectful. It really is that simple.
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As we all know, change isn't easy. At least it usually isn't easy. I was apprehensive with the new Nitromater for a couple days, & only because it was seemed a little different, unfamiliar... I knew that a change was needed though, and I'm so happy that Shannon & Jerrod had the guts to do it.

The board is 100% better in my opinion. The lively debate will slowly make it's way back, but the disrepectful hopefully not will not. No one is asking for PC, I'm not a fan of PC in the least, just say what you have to say without being disrepectful, purposely rude, insensitive, etc.

Like the Doctor, I'll take quality over quantity, and like Michele mentioned there were several members who had multiple user names on the old board. We probably had several hundreds, if not a thousand or more, so called users that weren't individual members at all, people that never logged in to the site.

Moderating isn't easy either, as moderaters we don't always agree with each other, we try to be as fair as possible, but it's still a catch 22 deal for us.
If a member notifies us about a post or another member, then we look into it, and use our best judgement. There are a set of guidelines for us to follow, but no one is perfect & we might miss things occasionally, misinterpet or even seem to go overboard at times----but we're just trying to do what's right for the Nitromater family.
I'm rambling, so I'm done... sorry.
It's all good NAZ.

I know Robert has had a few beefs with Mods in the past. We've exchanged a few PM's but it always ended up civil between us..I try hard to be fair..that's all we can do. Varying opinions are needed..I'm just hopeful that it will all be done in a civilized manner..because disrespect/BS isn't going to fly anymore.

(as long as we get the tools we need..wink wink)

It's great to log in and not have to worry what a few negative posters can do to a site..I'm not talking about a respectful disagreement..we all saw what trashing/name calling, etc. did. I'm pleased so's growing well.
I'm just tickled to be or old. I found some humor in most of the attacks directed at me. Some of it wasn't worth even wasting time on and even more made me 'give win'. Either way it went....I didn't lose much sleep or take it personally. I just had less desire to come online and catch up. It is alot less stressful NOT having to weed through the B.S. though. :)

Many Thanks especially helping me get registered... LOL The changes are great and we all appreciate it.
I'm just tickled to be or old. I found some humor in most of the attacks directed at me. Some of it wasn't worth even wasting time on and even more made me 'give win'. Either way it went....I didn't lose much sleep or take it personally. I just had less desire to come online and catch up. It is alot less stressful NOT having to weed through the B.S. though. :)

Shouldn't that read "Tickled Pink"?:eek: I'm glad to be here too.:D
Depends on what your defination of rockin "is" Looks to me like it's mostly the same bunch of posters that were posting on the old site,(less the people that had opposing views):rolleyes: from when we had over 6000 members.:confused:

Lets not forget that it took just over 6 years to get to that 6000 member number. Now we are at 1000 in less than a month.
I'm just tickled to be or old. I found some humor in most of the attacks directed at me. Some of it wasn't worth even wasting time on and even more made me 'give win'. Either way it went....I didn't lose much sleep or take it personally. I just had less desire to come online and catch up. It is alot less stressful NOT having to weed through the B.S. though. :)

Ditto.....but it got to be way toooo much for me.......but, this change is excellent..... and certain ones tried to pfreak me out, ;) and it just wasn't worth it anymore...I kept in touch with who I wanted to after the fact, but I am glad to be here......This is what it is all about.....not all the dang bashin....
so here here, Jerrod!!
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It's all good NAZ.

I know Robert has had a few beefs with Mods in the past. We've exchanged a few PM's but it always ended up civil between us..I try hard to be fair..that's all we can do. Varying opinions are needed..I'm just hopeful that it will all be done in a civilized manner..because disrespect/BS isn't going to fly anymore.

(as long as we get the tools we need..wink wink)

It's great to log in and not have to worry what a few negative posters can do to a site..I'm not talking about a respectful disagreement..we all saw what trashing/name calling, etc. did. I'm pleased so's growing well.

Exactly. The few times I pmed Willy, I recieved a PROMPT and a civil responce. PM's to other's went unanswered or was told "If I don't like it here. leave":rolleyes: But it seems like this is turning into a BLESS Jim for getting this new board up. I have no trouble with leaving my name here or on any other board to which I belong to and have always had my web site up and avalibile so that anybody could see who I am and were I lived and what I did and and what I raced. As far as ALL the Pro Racers comming back, I've yet to see all that much. Looking forward to seeing them. So all I'm saying is, This is new, Is it improved? or it it just the same old click(I know that isn't spelled right) with the same old stuff with out anybody to say anything about it:confused: And I've been here since Oct of 2001, so it's not like some Johnny come lately.
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And it there some way to get spell check to work with Firefox:confused: Cause I sometimes could use it.:D Almost forgot. WELCOME back Angie.:D
Thanks, Bob, Jean, and Robert!! I am really glad to be back on here, on the new and improved 'mater!!!:D
So if it feels too tame and not controversial enough... jump in. Your name is attached to your post.


I think this place SUCKS! No Cohiba room, Jerrod has no hair, pool or "O" burnpit.....this place is weak sauce.......:D

I need some Chapstick and some spy stuff after that dribble:eek:

Kevin the Joker Brown!:cool:
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