As to the mathematical error, they need to use a calculator ( if they don't already) to eliminate errors. This is a PROFESSIONAL organization. Not really a good excuse for this error on nhra's part."According to a source, incorrect information was reportedly conveyed to the team, which led to a mistake..."
"The NHRA tech department made a mathematical error in weighing the car...,"
OR- Another hypothetical, I'm pretty sure some tracks have scales that are not long enough for a fuel dragster. So they measure with the back wheels on, then the front wheels on, and come up with the overall weight. Same thing applies with the above scenario from there.
It would behoove the crew chief or car chief to watch the crew at the scales. They know what the car and driver weigh. Even taking into account the difference between scales.
When we ran super comp, the car was placed on the scale, rear wheels on, the front end would be picked up and a block put under a front crossmember putting all of the weight on the scale.
Maybe they do it differently now, it has been a couple of years...
My .02 worth... I will step off the soapbox now...