Snake releases TJ........ (2 Viewers)

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WTF? :eek: How did this happen? :confused: I guess this means Skytel is done since Skoal is moving to the dragster?
now that is truly something we never saw coming. so much for the husband vs. wife matchup. makes you wonder if someone else has money to offer for the seat.
does this also mean the car is parked for pomona or is the snake pulling a "david powers" and putting someone in for 1 race.
thats terrible to hear. why wouldnt don let the skoal flopper run for 1 more race? hopefully t.j can find a ride for 08.
Man, that sucks. Like Greg said, TJ is a long time friend and I hope that something works out quickly for them.

Update says that TJ will race in Pomona!
Very sad!!!:(:(
SkyTel was only 1 year as Larry said back in Sept.

Best wishes & luck to TJ! You've done a great job for The Snake!!!

On the other hand, congrat Larry on getting a sponsor!:):)
Man that sux,Tj will find something fast. Guess that means no motr F/C at DPR?
No wonder he was a bit down this weekend when I saw him!!!

This absolutly blow's chunks, but it's part of the business of PRO NHRA DRAG RACING!

Hope he finds a ride soon...or he'll be Dog Sitting for Mel! :rolleyes:

Good luck to TJ, he's one of the good guys out there and deserves a good, quality ride. He represented Snake Racing very well!

Is it because there will be one car next year driven by Dixon? I think it sucks that now days there's an owner and a driver. Not a driver that ownes the car. Now days when you are for hire you are at the owners mercy.
Sad situation, TJ represents clean-cut middle- American youth and should be a great marketing tool.

Like Kenseth in NASCAR. Too bad he didn't get the ride he's deserved.

Ya know, NHRA needs DESPERATELY to establish a STAR system.

For example, I was thinking of designing a sticker around the NHRA eclipse with "Get well quick, John" curving around the top with "'Cause you're all we have." Curving 'round the bottom!
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I guess Don had to make a marginal call he is more likely to win another Championship with the Dragster than the Funny Car!

I feel bad for TJ he is the odd man out but the lack of success in the Funny Car made the decission pretty predictable for Don after all Larry has been with him since he became a team owner and Larry being one of his crew members from his driving days.
Larry is too good to have him sitting on the sidelines..
Damn shame for TJ to be out of a ride. Not much open for 2008 the way it looks, but I hope he lands somewhere.
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Unfortunately, it makes perfect sense; it seems to be the lesser of all crappy choices; there is only enough money for one car; Dixon is the top dog; based on his relationship with Snake and his championships, he should be. It sucks for TJ; however, it is really a case of stuff happens; if it wasn't for the Skytel deal, TJ may very well have been out of a job a year earlier. TJ is a good dude, I hope he gets something soon.
This one definitely hugs the root . T.J. is the coolest guy going , and very marketable . I have no doubt he will be in a car for next year very soon , he is too good not to be . I would think this was a very tough call for Snake , but you have to do what you got to do I guess .
This makes me sick. Tommy is a great guy and a great driver. Business is business but it still doesn't make it right. I hope TJ gets in someplace.
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