Nitro Member
I receive phone calls every day from the dealership where I leased one of my cars, and they told that if I was willing to turn the car into them with one year left on my lease, they would give me another new car for 3 years for less money and zero interest rate for the next 3 years.
When I asked me friend who owns the dealership why they were doing this, he explained to me that all the rental car companies cannot purchase new cars because of the chip shortage, so they are willing to pay top dollar for cars coming off a 2-year lease program.
When I question my friend how much was top dollar he told me he can tack another $5,000 dollars on every car he can get his hands, and they are willing to pay it that is how bad they need cars to rent.
Jim Hill
When I asked me friend who owns the dealership why they were doing this, he explained to me that all the rental car companies cannot purchase new cars because of the chip shortage, so they are willing to pay top dollar for cars coming off a 2-year lease program.
When I question my friend how much was top dollar he told me he can tack another $5,000 dollars on every car he can get his hands, and they are willing to pay it that is how bad they need cars to rent.
Jim Hill