I don't have time to go line by line, you have a very different idea about what it would cost to do this, and what profit could be made.
It's easy to say, "Just have two Safety Safaris" The one we have has seven semis and four duallys going down the road. So just buy more trucks? More tractors?
Did you know that the Safari goes in Monday before the event to do the setup and track prep?
"With twice the races and twice the TV shows you can sell more adds" Do you know what it costs to do a full TV production? And yes, you could stream on the web (which we do) But the reason NHRA spent literally millions on TV during the ESPN days was because without a good TV package the sponsors wouldn't be there. Is it great when the stands are full and your car gets seen on track? Sure, but that doesn't justify the investment of MOPAR, Toyota, Lucas etc. They do it because we are on TV. The deal we have with FOX is the best package we have ever had. Camping World would not have come to us without it.
"Let the #1 qualifier have the second round bye" What if Connie decides to experiment during qualifying (being that it's a short field) and Doug ends up down at the bottom. Would Brittany race Doug? Or could she decided to take the 1st round bye and make Leah race him?
Let's go back to where we started, the length of the day.
11 AM Round 1 Top Fuel 8 pair 30 minutes if all runs perfectly? 11:30 done
75 minutes turn around
12:45 round 2, 4 pair, 15 minutes 1:00 done
75 minutes turn around
2:15 semis 2 pair 2:25 done
75 minutes turn around
Final at 3:40
Put them on a quick turn around and you might get finished by 3, two oil downs and it's after 4
In Brainerd the TF final was before 5, and we ran Funny Car, Pro Mod, MMPS and others.
I'm off to Indy,