Feels pretty good to me too, especially when few had any sack to post what some could clearly see as BS, and then take all of the insults and heat for calling it out...
Bobby Miller continually humiliated himself defending that POS, while insulting good people and their character many times over. Now he, and others pay the price.
Moral of the story for those who were blinded by... uh-hum... celebrity in the NHRA ranks?
If someone does anything other than what was previously promised, he is a dirt bag that cash (in this case, your cash) can't hide... Sense the red flags, and there are a plenty when any individual deflects responsibility to someone else.
Great post. Applies to some drivers, past, present, or trying to make a come back and a lot of former owners.
Did any of you that are getting callouses on your hands from patting yourself on your back for being so intelligent for seeing the bs, ever consider why Evan is the only person taking the rap and jail time?
Was/is Evan so intelligent that he was able to think up this scheme by himself, fill out all the forms in a manor it took the government authorities a few years to catch on, hide the scheme from his close associates, including his CFO, the managers, sales staff, etc, without any one becoming suspicious. Where is the guy that used Evan's ill gotten money to start a now defunct national home mortgage company? Was there an inside person at the government office? Did a 3rd party bring the plan? I don't have any answers, but I think it is strange that Evan is the only one in jail at this time.
Maybe you guys can help the government create a system to check facts before issuing multi-million dollar checks based upon paperwork created by bogus business people. A system that would have worked for this situation, surely could work in the health care industry and others that are filled with fraudulent companies making false claims. It might even help our national deficit a little.
Did any of you that are getting callouses on your hands from patting yourself on your back for being so intelligent for seeing the bs, ever consider why Evan is the only person taking the rap and jail time?
Was/is Evan so intelligent that he was able to think up this scheme by himself, fill out all the forms in a manor it took the government authorities a few years to catch on, hide the scheme from his close associates, including his CFO, the managers, sales staff, etc, without any one becoming suspicious. Where is the guy that used Evan's ill gotten money to start a now defunct national home mortgage company? Was there an inside person at the government office? Did a 3rd party bring the plan? I don't have any answers, but I think it is strange that Evan is the only one in jail at this time.
Maybe you guys can help the government create a system to check facts before issuing multi-million dollar checks based upon paperwork created by bogus business people. A system that would have worked for this situation, surely could work in the health care industry and others that are filled with fraudulent companies making false claims. It might even help our national deficit a little.
In all fairness, George, you don't know what Virgil did or didn't say back then. He could well have told people about his sense of the problem and been rebuffed by those blinded by the cash. Nitro fever is a strong disease, and there are a lot of people who will do some pretty stupid things -- things that more rational people (or even they themselves if given a clearer head) would not. I can think of several "pros" racing today who do some pretty slimy stuff just to keep the motor running.
So perhaps we all need to step back from the "I told you so" and the "holier than thou" stuff, and take a deep breath. The lesson to be learned is an old one: be careful with whom you associate, because when the pooh hits the fan some of it splatters those nearby.
Are you serious?
You are going to make a comment like that and then assume we are not comdemning those further down the chain? Let's assume that is a given that others should be in jail, and somehow we can pull together a brain cell or two to realize that..
This site's topic generally revolves around the NHRA given the website's address name, so we are generally talking about those involved in the NHRA, and not the rest of the posse that broke the law.
For me, just because you have run or ran a Top fuel race team doesn't give you any more of a character pass than it does for those who we are talking about, or any common ditch digger or corporate CEO..
Maybe commenting openly and honestly would not have looked favorable for potential sponsorship for your race team down the road...
That fact, although very telling, I can totally understand a point of neutrality. But if you want to sit on the fence, please remain there.
What I don't understand is this statement above where you villify those who did have the guts to speak out, and take on months of hurtful insults by knowing this time would come where the truth comes out, as it always does, and now on display for every spineless cheerleader listed in this thread to live with.
So before you talk about calloused hands patting themselves on the back like we revel and prize in not falling for the BS which resulted in others to suffer financial ruin, consider the hell some of us took by pointing out the obvious.
My father, although a tough old guy taught me one thing, never EVER break your word, and never trust a single word from those who do. It's a simple way to diagnose character. You chose to ignore, we did not.
Yeah, I'm serious. Your reply shows that you know very little of the situation except for the "hurtful insults" thrown your way. But maybe if you didn't act like "God all mighty" and throw crap at others, it wouldn't be thrown back at you.
I've never sat on the fence with this deal. Through a 3rd party I was flown to meet with Evan at his house to discuss a position he had open with his company. Within 5 minutes of meeting him, I knew the offer was not going to be made and that if it was, I wasn't going to accept it. In our conversations during the tour of his business that afternoon, I found him to be friendly, articulate and a little above average in intelligence. We just knew that each of us had our own type of lifestyle and that they wouldn't mix well. He offered a sponsorship for the balance of that year and I accepted. When he offered at the end of the year to extend the deal I refused for no particular reason other than a gut feeling.
Everything he said/promised to me came true. I feel the fact that he is the only one serving time speaks volumes about his character.
If you knew a little more about the sponsor deals that were going on, you would have noticed the irregularities going on early and would wonder why teams were spending money that they had not received. I don't start jobs in my plastics business prior to them being funded per agreement, so why would it make it proper to do that with a race team?
Many of the "posse" that could have been breaking the law, were/are involved in the sport of drag racing and affiliated with NHRA. So their role can/should be discussed right along side anything said about Evan on a website forum tied in with NHRA. I just wish those that are discussing, especially with very strong opinions and words, would do a little leg work to discover a few real facts, rather than basing their assumptions on rumors.
Read some of your posts and you will understand why many feel you have a "holier than thou" attitude.
Everything he said/promised to me came true. I feel the fact that he is the only one serving time speaks volumes about his character.
Larry Fullerton just introduced you to the real world.
Or the people who complain about the noise comming from the drag strip they moved next to when they bought that new Mc Mansion during last winter.
you Mean "McMahonsion" like Vince McMahon
Did any of you that are getting callouses on your hands from patting yourself on your back for being so intelligent for seeing the bs, ever consider why Evan is the only person taking the rap and jail time?
Was/is Evan so intelligent that he was able to think up this scheme by himself, fill out all the forms in a manor it took the government authorities a few years to catch on, hide the scheme from his close associates, including his CFO, the managers, sales staff, etc, without any one becoming suspicious. Where is the guy that used Evan's ill gotten money to start a now defunct national home mortgage company? Was there an inside person at the government office? Did a 3rd party bring the plan? I don't have any answers, but I think it is strange that Evan is the only one in jail at this time.
Maybe you guys can help the government create a system to check facts before issuing multi-million dollar checks based upon paperwork created by bogus business people. A system that would have worked for this situation, surely could work in the health care industry and others that are filled with fraudulent companies making false claims. It might even help our national deficit a little.