Yes it is a rule, it is just not a good one. While it usually doesn't result in such a wide miss as we have this weekend. It does happen a few times a year that a faster car sits home.
It had nothing to do with not enough cars making passes on Sat. It was that teams that didn't get in on Friday night had little chance of doing it on Sat, especially in pro stock. I would rather see top 16 get in, I don't care when they do it. having the safety net, takes a little away from the qualifying records.
The bigger issue is that the cars did not get a re-run. This wasn't a matter of something taking out cones, the system failed. There have been instances where re-runs have happened before and bet your butt if either of these guys were a money team, they would have been given a re-run(and rightly so).
What I didn't see anyone point out was that despite both having trouble, that could have been due to the insane amount of time that they were forced to sit.
They were able to hold the race up on Friday for the sun with is not in their control, but are not able to do a re-run when they system that they control fails??? The top-12 argument wouldn't be here if NHRA had been done the right thing.