Anybody know if they still have the all black Teeth shoes at the Rolling O Store? I love the ones I have and wear them everyday, but they aren't available on the Oakley site anymore. Just the red and black ones.
I am going to the race in Virginia in October, hoping to pick some up there.
Let's talk Oakley some more! Anyone? Jim? Jerrod? Joe?
I hear Smith has some cool goggles!!!!! F@#K That!!!!!!!!!
"O" say can you the dawns early light............
"O" and by the way.........
Spy this............
Ray who?
Bolle' of Jello
Varnette....does that mean Varnish?
Sorry sponsor and an end to a race career will make you a bit punchy....
Kevin just an O type O guy!
Yeah, they might not be breakable..but they sure don't float! Lost two pairs in the intracoastal in Florida while jet skiing. There might be some sporty looking gators. LOL..
The only complaint I have is that I can't buy any apparel anywhere locally here in KC. I went to the Topeka race last year wanting to spend a fortune at the rolling 'O', but it wasn't there!I ended up ordering everything from the website.
How come the Oakley logo is nowhere to be found on Beckman's new FC??
Ray, I have always flown the "O" on all of my rides....I am not sponsored by them by any means.....for me it is a way of showing respect for someone or a company I believe in....I make no bones about it as I am PRO "O" always have been....Hell on my current car I had the Icon installed in pure silver leaf with the joker airbrushed....People see it along with my Oakley wall of shame in my trailer and of course everything I wear (Hat to shoes and everything in between) and assume that I'm getting sponsored by them.....I have never ask Jim or Oakley for anything...well nothing more than "Please keep making top shelf products that serves the human race"
I have been to the mall several times and have stopped into various sunglass stores that carry the "O" line of shades to see what they had...the sales people come up to me and ask if I was sponsored by Oakley due to my apparel,knowledge and opinion of the products, They had no idea that Oakley made clothing, watches or shoes.....
I believe in "Brand Loyalty" and with Oakley its easy to be loyal since the products they design and sell are simply the BEST!......