Sean D, shondoo
Nitro Member
It caught the tail end of Roberts bottom stage light flickering on and off before he is even rolled in to pre-stage. I think the replay shows it come on 2 times. At that same time, Rick Stewert saw what was going on, and runs up toward the tree to check it out, but as he does Robert pre-stages and the stage light no longer comes on and off, so Rick went back to his usual spot.
I think that is what let Rick believe the body was too low, when in fact the body was OK. For some reason the stage light did come on a couple times before it was supposed to.
Could that have been the result of Jimmy's foot finding the starting line prior to pulling him in? I don't have it DVR'd anymore, but I remember JP making that point to several different people during his tirade on the starting line.
Sean D