Oklahoma City bombing of Federal BuildingIt's more of a Homeland Security thing as to why it isn't produced here. That's why teams hafta go thru certifications to be able to aquire it, kinda like a commercial fireworks handler having to have an ATF license.
Sam, its sorta funny to assume that cheap Chinese labor is how that economy rolls. They are more about technology and automation than you could ever imagine. Do they make some crap and export it to us ... yes, because we buy it (not you and I, but US). Do they make a fair number of items better than almost anyone else .... yes, they play in that arena somewhat regularly (for example go find a high end golf club shaft that is not made there .... but their alloy golf club head forgings suck). They are dominant in their non labor intensive stuff ... and they are trying to dominate the world's economy. It's interesting and scary, but trust me they don't think it's about cheap Chinese labor.Can I ask why this is? Surely it's more than just "We can't compete with Chinese labor?"