So I guess any governor that opens his state wide open for business in your opinion is doing the right thing?
Sorry I see them has trying to figure out the best way to deal with a virus that is killing the American People. This is uncharted water for all of us but the idea of just saying the hell with it and reopening is not something to take with a grain of salt.
Jim Hill
Jim, rite now, the press is still reporting escalating cases, which is true....why? because more testing is taking place, hence higher numbers; and remember a high percentage of folks that test positive
are a-symptomatic......what we really need to know are death rates; which if you do the proper research, and can access real figures (which is not the mainstream media), you will find death rates
are commonly reported per state at less than 1%; elderly and cronic health problems by far the common cases of yes, i actually agree with you, the gov'rs are being careful, but when you
see statistics showing that all the dem. gov'rs and only one rep. gov'r still have restrictions against religious gatherings, and all but one rep. gov'r. has now relaxing the same, you have to be skeptical
as to what is really going on MN rite now you can have 50 people outdoor dining, but you can only have 10 people gathered for a religious service. surprise, no one can explain the
science behind this pathetic decision.....reminds of old saying, 'build a bigger school you make a bigger idiot'
IMO the nhra needs to take a close look at rep. led states for any chance for nat. events with spectators in 2020. not being political here, it's just the facts as they are playing out.