Nitro Member
I'm trying to keep from high jacking the other thread about the Nitro supply with this question.
With all that has come out regarding the Nitro supply, how is the NHRA gonna get out of this and save face when VP throws up their hands and tells NHRA that they cant perform on their contract. I may be wrong, (and usually am) but it seems to me that Don has played the chess game to perfection and has the NHRA and VP in "check mate" over the supply of Nitro. From what I read from the VP rep, it couldn't have happened to a more deserving group. I just can't help but think that the original fine was the opening shot in all of this, and was a result of the impending shortage that was aware to those in charge before it became public. Now that VP and NHRA are in a bind and Don appears to have the needed connections and inventory, how is the NHRA gonna pardon Don and make nice with his supplier and not look like a TOTAL bunch of morons? I started to do a "poll" on this with possible solutions, but thought it would be more fun to see if anybody could put a spin on this that the NHRA might use to explain all this away. Winner gets " I TOLD YOU SO" bragging rights. The only intelligent thing in the VP statement was the line that Don is "the man". I sure have more respect for the man after watching the way he has handled this situation from start to finish. Since NHRA doesn't want to comment on things that may or may not happen, I think it is now our responsibility to speculate and spin this for our entertainment.
With all that has come out regarding the Nitro supply, how is the NHRA gonna get out of this and save face when VP throws up their hands and tells NHRA that they cant perform on their contract. I may be wrong, (and usually am) but it seems to me that Don has played the chess game to perfection and has the NHRA and VP in "check mate" over the supply of Nitro. From what I read from the VP rep, it couldn't have happened to a more deserving group. I just can't help but think that the original fine was the opening shot in all of this, and was a result of the impending shortage that was aware to those in charge before it became public. Now that VP and NHRA are in a bind and Don appears to have the needed connections and inventory, how is the NHRA gonna pardon Don and make nice with his supplier and not look like a TOTAL bunch of morons? I started to do a "poll" on this with possible solutions, but thought it would be more fun to see if anybody could put a spin on this that the NHRA might use to explain all this away. Winner gets " I TOLD YOU SO" bragging rights. The only intelligent thing in the VP statement was the line that Don is "the man". I sure have more respect for the man after watching the way he has handled this situation from start to finish. Since NHRA doesn't want to comment on things that may or may not happen, I think it is now our responsibility to speculate and spin this for our entertainment.