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Edited out.
Edited out - thanks Kurt.
Edited out - thanks Kurt.
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I am guessing you actually work for an outsourced support firm answering the phone on behalf of a client. As such you represent that client and to take the time to send people elsewhere is, in my opinion, disrespectful of your position.
Yes, we are outsourced. That said I am actually very happy where I work. I love helping people out in getting their PC issues fixed. I just would never shop at the retail store due to the many things I have heard about them.
BTW, I would NEVER tell a client "don't shop here, you can get it cheaper at store X." That would be a suicidal practice as all calls are monitored. As far as co-workers chatting, it's OK in my mind to tell them that instead of getting a product retail they can go to a store I know online and save a boatload.
you must be referring to ted!!........some of the "older" guys on here..........
you must be referring to ted!!
then according to my wife, you've still got me covered!!According to my wife I'm about 16...