Very nice. So the hoods up, let's see the picture.
Wow! Sweeeeet ride Jerrod!! Nice!!
Old cars have a "personality" all their own new cars just can't compare to.
You getting used to the idea of people staring at you while you drive it yet??
I agree, you left one picture out.
Sure, you own an ultimate classic but are you taking it to the "Cruisin' Cucamonga" cruise this coming Saturday on the 9400 block of Foothill? Anyone who's anyone will be there!Never thought driving an old car could be so fun.
Holy crap! That looks just like the car my ex just restored! It didn't happen to come from Texas did it?
Nice! Congrats!
Damn Gihad! Nice Piece, I guess you wouldn't have even considered buying a car like that without a garage.......