Years ago, I sent a nicely worded (not bitching) recommendation to ESPN's "RPM Tonight" show asking that they maybe give us some background on the guys in the pits, crew chiefs, crew guys, etc. About two weeks later, I got a nasty email telling me nobody wants to see that and if I knew so much, maybe I should start my own show. To say I was a bit shocked is an understatement. Oh well, they're gone and I'm still here...I like that idea, i would like to see that two
For YEARS I have bitched about that, as well as how long the info stays on the screen. If I have to watch a car come all the way around the corner, then I should be able to see the performance stats of that pair stay on the screen for that long as well.Also, am I the only one that struggles to read the winning numbers (white) in fluorescent green boxes (graphics)?