Majors (3 Viewers)

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e town

The 4 oldest events, with Columbus off the schedule now that eliminates them. The only question is which pomona event. Although I guess there's no rule saying it would have to be just 4
If the names of the races were the same as in the old days, I'd have 6 majors- Winternationals, Gatornationals, Springnationals, Summernationals, U.S. Nationals, and World Finals.

Pomona & Indy are no brainers.
Clearly you don't know the history of the sport. E-Town is one of the historic tracks along with Indy, Pomona, and Gainesville. This is where the sport started and thus a major race on the tour. You ask any driver, they will tell you the same.
Good one,i was thinking the same thing when i saw that dudes comment!!!

The first 3 are no brainers. An argument could be made for several races as the forth, but I would go with the Gators.

Has anyone every won the drag racing "Grand Slam"?
Here's another thought - PSM doesn't race at Pomona 1. That would kind of take away from making it a major and PSM wouldn't have a "Grand Slam", they'd have a "Triple Crown" instead.

Maybe Gators, E-town, Indy, Pomona 2?

A little more spread out and you get all 4 pro classes at all 4 events.
Well, Some would argue, WHY DOES DRAG RACING NEED TO COPY SOME OTHER SPORT TO HYPE UP THEIR OWN. But, I agree with Cook on this one. They need to Hype up the sport by having a select group of "MAJOR" races, DOUBLE POINTS, BIGGER Cash Payouts, and A BONUS for winning them all. I would suggest the following:

The WINTERNATIONALS: Held in LAS VEGAS. How many times have we seen the Winters "RAINED OUT" or post poned in the past. Not a great way to open up the season. So, we move this 1st MAJOR to Vegas. Not a whole lot of rain in these parts. Plus, with the "ATMOSPHERE" of the city, it would help BOOST the Excitement of the event. Plus, Testing in Vegas prior to the race would show some results at the 1st race. Plus, includiing We also include PSBike at this event.

THE "GATORNATIONALS": The history of this 1st Major East Coast Drag Race is legendary. The home of the first 300 mph pass, (301.70), Garlits, and the huge crowds would make this a great 2nd major event. Perhaps in future years it can be moved to Charlotte?

THE "BIG GO":....It's indy.... Enough Said..Race the Top Fuel and Funny Car Challenge at the Big Go.... (Of course you need a sponsor for the Top Fuel Race... ;) )

THE WORLD FINALS:.... POMONA... Keep the Finals in Pomona. The Birthplace of the NHRA and of Drag Racing, Southern California.

If you SWEEP THE MAJORS, you would win a huge cash bonus, $250,000 to $500,000! The people at FULL THROTTLE should pony up the cash to make that happen. Call it the FULL THROTTLE SWEEP?
I don't see how anyone could leave out Chicago, the only race where every class is contested and they also have the Allstar event.
I don't see how anyone could leave out Chicago, the only race where every class is contested and they also have the Allstar event.

Chicago doesn't have the history/prestige behind the race, that is why it would not be included as a major.

The problem I have, over half the tracks with History or Importance aren't NHRA tracks or don't hold National Events...

From a historic point, at tracks the NHRA holds National Events... I'd go with (today only) The Big Go, Bristol, The Parking Lot (big Go West) and Gainesville...
two of those four are 'World Class' facilities... G-ville and Bristol.

As far as Showcase Tracks, Bristol, Vegas, Charlotte, and Route 66... and yeah, Norwalk.. up on the mountain, and S.I.R. are beautiful...

I'd have to call my 'home' track, VMP, marginal... it's nice enough, but view from the stands sucks, and they need to add about 8,000 GA seats... and big time help with crowd control...


The problem I have, over half the tracks with History or Importance aren't NHRA tracks or don't hold National Events...

From a historic point, at tracks the NHRA holds National Events... I'd go with (today only) The Big Go, Bristol, The Parking Lot (big Go West) and Gainesville...
two of those four are 'World Class' facilities... G-ville and Bristol.

As far as Showcase Tracks, Bristol, Vegas, Charlotte, and Route 66... and yeah, Norwalk.. up on the mountain, and S.I.R. are beautiful...

I'd have to call my 'home' track, VMP, marginal... it's nice enough, but view from the stands sucks, and they need to add about 8,000 GA seats... and big time help with crowd control...


But, in my opinion, A "MAJOR" should not be ALL ABOUT HISTORY, but about the ability to HOST a MAJOR Event.

VEGAS- Has more hotel rooms in that city than anyone, and has the Entertainment, and atmosphere to host a Major Drag Race. Plus the Facility is AWESOME!!! and there is an IN-N-OUT near by...and one more thing... BRUTON SMITH...!

The Gator's Race.. - Hold in Gainsville until CHARLOTTE is ready and able to host the major event... (hotels, other ancillary benifits)...oh and BRUTON SMITH...! oh and there is a HOOTERS near Gainsville and the Charlotte Track...!!!

INDY- Not the BEST Facility, (from what I have I have never been) but the this track hosts the BIG GO every year... so It needs to be on the list...No Bruton Smith, but it's INDY...oh and a HOOTERS NEAR BY!!!

Pomona- Same as Indy, but the Final Race of the season should be a MAJOR event....once again... NO BRUTON... But, it's Pomona...!:cool: and it has In-N-Out very close by the track...
But, should a MAJOR be ALL ABOUT HISTORY Paul? Or the ability to HOST a SUPER RACE? Chicago could definatly do this...!

JMO, When I think of major races, it is all about the history. What makes Indy so big, the history behind the race. I agree, Chicago hosts a super race and from my experience a Chicago race is more enjoyable then Indy, Pomona, and E-Town put together. My thinking may be flawed with only using history, but that is what I think of when classifying races.
JMO, When I think of major races, it is all about the history. What makes Indy so big, the history behind the race. I agree, Chicago hosts a super race and from my experience a Chicago race is more enjoyable then Indy, Pomona, and E-Town put together. My thinking may be flawed with only using history, but that is what I think of when classifying races.

Good point, but I believe that Some of the MAJOR events in sports did not get that way because of the HISTORY of the place, BEFORE it was classified as a MAJOR. Look at the US Open in Golf. Held at many different locations. All of which are very difficult to play. I say that NHRA adopt the TIMMAH plan.. Cause It's cool!

Think about it....

Vegas in Early February...One week after Superbowl..? CAN U SAY Awesome hotel deals????
INDY.... Because It's been Grandfathered in as the place where the BIG GO happens....and it's INDY...
POMONA... If you've ever been to Pomona in October/November, it's a very PERFECT PLACE TO END THE SEASON!!! PLUS YOU CAN'T ARGUE WITH IN-N-OUT only 5 blocks from the track!!!:eek:

Heck, Do Chicago as well, and make it the FANTASTIC FIVE!!!! Give the Champions of those races a nice CHAMPIONS RING, and if someone is coming close to the SWEEP, they can go crazy with the "ONE FOR THE THUMB" marketing slogans!!! They'd sell lots of T-Shirts!!!:rolleyes:
Timmah, In my first post on this thread I said Winters, Springs, Summers, and The Big Go... I was grilled a few weeks ago when I said The Parking Lot only claim is that it's NHRA's home/headquarters track... heck logic says the Winters should be run in Florida...

Springs in Bristol (history)

Summers: Seattle or Sonoma

The Big Go (Indy is it's second home) Route 66...

fire away kids

Winter nationals
Spring nationals
Summer nationals
Fall nationals
Eastern nationals
Southern nationals
Northern nationals
Western nationals
but that was only on a commodore 64 :D

but in reality

US Nationals

have to toss a coin between Virginia or Norwalk thrown in there depending on the alcohol cars rotation.
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