Good fortune and happiness to you for whatever you choose for the future!
As an aside, yes, I was a bit shocked, but at the same time, I am a bit surprised by some of the perceived, I don't know, resentment, toward the NHRA. This guy was able to work for 40+ years in the drag racing industry, and get PAID to do it..Talk about a dream job! The history he has experienced, the evolution of a sport. To see the rise of superstars, records shattered, to mingle with the true heroes of the sport we all love. To be a part of something so grand must upon reflection be, at some times, a very humbling experience. From broken records to the loss of some of our greatest heroes, and everything in between, such a career surely must be the envy of most of us.
As the years progress, things change, as must we. Going forward, the NHRA must continue to evolve and adapt in order to showcase what we as competitors choose to dedicate our (usually) meager resources to in support of our passions and dreams. If the last couple of years haven't been hard enough on all of us, 2020 has and surely will continue to test the mettle of us all. When it comes right down to it, all we are is race fans. We are not front line care givers, emergency service personnel, military, or any of the other personnel necessary to keep this world moving forward when we are here, we are just fans of a sport. Yes, a sport. Granted, we have all dedicated some percentage of our life to enable our ability to continue our participation, certainly some more than others, but the fact remains, it is still just an unnecessary sport. Yes, large venues and events can create revenue for the hosting area, but in dwindling amounts. The electronic and social age is changing the world in ways we are not yet even completely aware of. As generations progress, interests and extra-curricular activities morph in directions we may not like or agree with. As we grow older, younger generations find new and exciting ways to use their recreation time. It falls upon us, and our associations to find ways to engage and enthrall new generations of participants and fans alike. Like me, I'm sure many of your children do not feel the same excitement and passion we feel toward drag racing we do. Disappointing of course, but we encourage our children to follow their dreams, whatever they are. In order to continue pursuing our passions, we must be flexible, resilient and dedicated, but most of all, grateful for any chance we are afforded to be able to do so. Change is indeed, inevitable. We can choose to embrace it, or we can get our back up and be left behind. It is our choice. Be negative any time something changes, and become irrelevant, or embrace change, dive in head first and roll the dice. What will the future of Lewis hold? That is up to Lewis. What will the future of the NHRA hold, that can be influenced by all of us. What will your future hold? Only you, your actions and desires can pave that road. Don't be that one why?. Be a why not? Hope, positivity and determination will over-shadow any naysayers any day in whatever you choose. Better to boldly go forward than meakly take a step back in fear.