Hi Uncle Zappy!

Thanks for the birthday wishes.
We've been here in Germany for 13 months now... only 23 to go!
Let's see what's been going on over here. We've been doing some travelling, my favorite places being Paris and Berlin.
We've put in an order for a BMW M3, and we're picking it up at BMW World in Munich in September, right in the middle of Oktoberfest! That should be interesting.
We had the World Cup, with Germany in the semi finals and the Netherlands in the finals (we are half a mile from Holland), so there was lots of excitement about that.
What I most miss about the U.S. is the food. Well, and the shopping! I hope we can get back stateside next spring, at least, so I can get my fill of PF Chang's, Cheesecake Factory, American shopping malls, and maybe even catch a race! I've seen a couple races this year, since only a few are televised here. I feel soooo out of the loop!
My German still sucks. I am proficient at reading menus and ordering, but the rest is a work in progress. All our neighbors are German, and only one speaks English, but my husband speaks German, so we get along fine. Our village is funny, we have chickens and horses and cows within a block of the house. Very rural!
I hope everyone is doing well. Let me know if I've missed anything big in the world of racing!