Nitro Member
If NHRA didn't act on this they've set a precedent that they won't in the future because I can't imagine one more blatant happening in the future. Since the rule was in effect and not enforced I lost alot of respect that day for our sanctioning body and that team. The rule looks good on paper but if its not enforced its meaningless.
The thing NHRA (and many other lawmakers for that matter, but that conversation belongs in the politics room) has lost sight of is the K.I.S.S. principle. Keep it simple, stupid. Simply stated, create enforceable rules... and then enforce them equally for everyone. Anybody who didn't see that silly memo (rule) about diving as being incredibly transparent and unenforceable is clearly blind. Lets face it - in a sport where parts breakage is common and unpredictable, proving a dive is impossible. Shred the memo, realize team orders will continue to exist and get on with your lives.
By the way, anyone wanna talk about Melanie not making the Countdown in Reading when she was Morgan's teammate?
Look, it's easy to point out perceived dives over the years - we've all got our favorites - but has anyone done the research to see how many underdogs have won rounds/races against far superior opponents where there was no possibility of team orders? It happens all the time and we applaud those victories vociferously. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, those races are the ones - at least in part - where the phrase, "that's why they don't race on paper" comes from. My point? Drag Racing is still ridiculously exciting, even if there are occasional dives. As has been mentioned previously, wanna cut down on them - then beat the guy in the other lane and prevent the opportunity in the first place. Force, love him or hate him, said it best in Indy - "My kid kicked your ass!" If Cruz wanted in, he should've beaten Ashley.
Maybe instead of the silly diving rule, NHRA should include a statement on each of their Sunday (or Monday) tickets that states, "Caution: Team Orders may result in thrown rounds between teammates competing for a spot in the Countdown to the Championship."
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