Nitro Member
I don't think any of them could hold a candle to Billy Stepp.
There's a million Freddy stories out there and all of them are true. For some weird reason Freddy & I got along well and I had a lot of fun with the dude. Here's a Freddy story that not many people know and Bob Gerdes (Circus Custom Paint) and Glenn Weisgerber (Glenn Designs) can back me up on this.
Circus Custom Paint was sort of a NJ hangout for the touring Funny Car guys. A bunch of guys were hanging out, drinking beer, bullshitting & watching Glenn letter Freddy's latest Funny Car. Freddy was, how do I say it, well-endowed in the man parts, he could have been a porn star.
Anyway, Freddy shows up and sneaks up behind Glenn who was sitting on a milk carton doing the tail lights, he whips out his "unit" and lays it on Glenn's shoulder, Glenn didn't know what was on him so he reached over to get it off him and when he saw what it was that he touched he freaked out. He screamed, and ran out of the shop. Glenn didn't think it was funny but everybody else in the shop was laughing their asses off. After a while Glenn calmed down, came back in and started packing up his stuff getting ready to leave, Freddy asked him when he was coming back to finish his car. Glenn replied "Never" and Freddy reached into his pocket and pulls out a wad of bills and asks if Glenn if he could change his mind and finish the car. After some negotiation in the corner Glenn relented and went back to work knowing that he got paid to be the brunt of the joke.
This happened almost 50 years ago and I still remember it like was yesterday...