Nitro Member
I wonder how many short fields there will be in TF next year? When 10 out of the 13 full time touring pros make the "playoffs" and with budgets being tight skipping a race may not be a bad idea.
Don't get me wrong, I despise the countdown as much as the next guy... but using your logic above, let me ask this. What would be the motivation for TF cars to continue to show up after Indy this year under the old points system? Even if Shoe DQ's at Indy, a fate that is remarkably unlikely, he's got a 526 point lead! Under no circumstances would anyone have even the slightest chance of catching him.
Again, I hate the countdown just like you, even if I'm not as vocal about it. But the teams race, for the most part, because they love the sport. In Big's interview he admitted to telling Wally (at Indy) that they didn't care about the purse, they were going to race anyway. Whereas the cost has sky-rocketed so that folks need to earn at least a little money in order to stay out there, they still do it because it's their passion. Add to that the fact that sponsors pay them to race the car, and they likely wouldn't have a choice in the matter anyway... though the Tuttle car proved otherwise at Reading - that's the exception rather than the rule.
I guess I'm saying that I have been able to put aside my dislike for the clowndown system because I too, have a passion, and I'm not going to let NHRA take it away from me because of their silly little games. I love the personalities. I love seeing AJ keep everyone scratching their heads. I love seeing Cory Mac doing well again. I love hearing the history and love for the sport roll of Larry Dixon's tongue as if he were the library of NHRA. I love the diversity that seems so easy for us while all other forms of motorsports struggle. I love seeing a guy like John Force start with literally nothing and become who he is... I love it all. In the end, the points are secondary, even tertiary, regardless of the way their collected.