How 'bout the suppliers? (1 Viewer)

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Nitro Member
Jul 9, 2006
Eagle, Idaho
Everyone is talking about all the different teams parking it and it seems like almost every day or so we hear of another one sitting out 2009.

One thing that has not been discussed is the suppliers and vendors who support drag racing. It takes a tremendous effort by manufacturers and suppliers to keep up with the demand for parts and repairs. Many of the employees who work for these companies have been doing their specific jobs for a lifetime. Now they are facing the reality of layoffs with no where to turn. With this many teams parking it the drain has to be felt a long ways from the pits.

Not to get lost in all this are crewmembers who've relocated to the Indy area, bought homes and have wives and kids. Now they find out the team they thought was rock solid has parked it with little notice. Used to be they could move one pit space over and continue working. But now the pit space next door is empty as well.

Interesting times.
Fact is, just about everything is taking a step back, and racing is feeling it in all areas; Hell, when Honda said it's pulling out of F1, you know times are tough.

I've said that if things slide back, then it may open the door for a return to match racing, but even the big teams cannot do that as they are just too huge to do it with any justifiable financial return against their operating costs.
But teams like Densham's may just be able to book in some gigs to help get by.

The only downside to match racing is if you can do it with a car that isn't the latest from Murf. Paul Richards has a very decent car that will run 5.0's all day on tracks that are not quite national event prepared. Will he be able to get a tag from NHRA that allows him to match race on their sanctioned tracks?

Interesting times are upon us.
Randy---I agree w/ you but am puzzled why most people put all their eggs in one basket.
This is drag racing and very few can...and will make a 30 year career out of it.
To not have a back up plan is very brave and/or stupid.
Randy---I agree w/ you but am puzzled why most people put all their eggs in one basket.
This is drag racing and very few can...and will make a 30 year career out of it.
To not have a back up plan is very brave and/or stupid.

What kind of back up plan should the clutch manufacturers have, or the cylinder head manufacturers?

I guess they could be Real Estate Appraiser's right now. LOL.
Everyone is talking about all the different teams parking it and it seems like almost every day or so we hear of another one sitting out 2009.

One thing that has not been discussed is the suppliers and vendors who support drag racing. It takes a tremendous effort by manufacturers and suppliers to keep up with the demand for parts and repairs. Many of the employees who work for these companies have been doing their specific jobs for a lifetime. Now they are facing the reality of layoffs with no where to turn. With this many teams parking it the drain has to be felt a long ways from the pits.

Not to get lost in all this are crewmembers who've relocated to the Indy area, bought homes and have wives and kids. Now they find out the team they thought was rock solid has parked it with little notice. Used to be they could move one pit space over and continue working. But now the pit space next door is empty as well.

Interesting times.

Hey Randy!...All the best in the new year...Nitro anyone...!:p

I know first hand the the high sheriffs p%ssing off of people has no bounds...including the midway folks!
...At Phoenix in I think '05 (?), ALL of the Mfgr's were banding together at a sponsorship meeting in gainsville to "lay it out for graham"...
Meeting consisted of (of all things..) the Companys AND their reps having to BUY tickets to get in to man the displays, etc.,..
COMP CAM was one of the FIRST guys to display elsewhere...15 nhras instead of ALL, ...since their inseption....Good Guys etc luved their $$$!

...Maybe it was All that Fun on the Midaway that had guys like John Mazarella retire too soon!...
Randy....I hear ya...but serious alot of people did not adjust to the conditions that were slowing showing an ugly side in 2003-04.
I do real estate and saw this crash coming 5 years ago...
What kind of back up plan should the clutch manufacturers have, or the cylinder head manufacturers?

I guess they could be Real Estate Appraiser's right now. LOL.

...Ditto!...The specialty industry types you mentioned need activity for survival!
...Back up plan for those cats is a rod and reel unfortunatly...:(
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