Scandinavian girls have no concept of sleep- seeing that the sun never seemed to go down last night (supposedly it did, but only for 20 minutes..
![Eek! :eek: :eek:](
).. Needless to say, they have this old dog runnin hard...
I'm in dire need of a haircut- I look like a used Q-Tip...
Wayno had the trach tube taken out about 2 weeks ago, and is up walking and sort of talking and is in rehab- making giant strides and is striving to be back to 110% as soon as he can- which is good, 'cause I have a truckload of work for him!
E-Town was...well, let's just say I'm glad to be outta there- that was tough. Done with this one end of July, and if I'm around, definiately looking forward to a tall, cool lemonaid...
In Brussels today, Paris up later