Nitro Member
what people arent considering is the PR damage done to GM during this time. who the hell in their right mind would buy a car from GM
Good point! The US car industry HAS been damaged (to some extent) by all the uncertainlty.
The problem, however, is not GM's inability to SELL cars - Last year they sold nearly 10 Million car worldwide. Toyota also sold nearly the EXACT number. Legacy costs, however, caused GM to LOSE BILLIONS while Toyota EARNED BILLIONS on the same number of units. The legacy cost structure is not sustainable - no matter how much Washington pumps down the hole.
I've been an "advocate" of a Chapter 11 restructuring for some time.
While EVERYBODY takes a "haircut" it's the only way the iceburg can be put behind us. I'd take my chances with a responsible and experienced bankruptcy judge before I'd let Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi or, for-that-matter, George Bush ruin the industry.
Give the industry interim bankruptcy funding, dump the pensions on the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corp, trim (not eleiminate) the benefits to those no longer employed and keep hourly wages where they are now with a more rationally financed benefit package and the industry can make money.
BTW: The industry that sold us cars for the last 100 years can certainly sell us on buying from a reliable and sustainable American Car Industry.